Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is a different type of the disease of cancer which can occurs inside the human cells of the cervix, cervix is a lower part of the uterus that of the body which connects to the vagina. Various types of the strains of the person or you may also called as a human papillomavirus, this is a infection which are transmitted or sexually transmitted, this play a lead role and act in causing the most of the cervical cancer. It can occurs most commonly in the females which are over the age of 29. The Long lasting body infection which are the certain different types of the human papillomavirus this is the main cause of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is one of the disease of a cancer which happens or occurs when the cells in a females change in their cervix, cervix connects the vagina and uterus of the women. This cancer of Cervix can affect directly to the deeper tissues and cells of their cervix and they may also spread or transmitted other parts and organs of the women’s body , often the liver, lungs, vagina, bladder, and to the rectum.
Cervical cancer is a cancer of a cells of the cervix which begins in a female body when the healthy cells of the cervix or on the surface of the cervix which change or it can get infected or spread to the women with human papillomavirus and it can grow out of control, by forming the mass which is known as a tumor. Long lasting term of the infection of human papillomavirus on the cervix of the women can also result in a disease of cancer, it can leading to a tumor or a mass on the women’s cervix. Cervical cancer is a severe type of the disease and it is a slow growing disease’s in a women, but this cervical cancer is a life threatening disease. In this era the screening techniques for the cancer mean that the person more often to discover the precancerous cells which may be removed before they get a the opportunity or chance to discover or develop into cancer. With the early and best treatment and diagnosis this outlook will be in very good. For the first stages and the signs of the cancer of the cervical, either the radiation or the surgery combined or involved with the chemo and this may be useful. For other stages and signs, the radiation of this is combined or involved with the chemo and it is usually an a major or the main type of precautions or treatment. Chemo is mostly used or applied to treat and to get precaution of the advanced cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer is a severe type of disease which is literally viewed or seen as a curable and treatable when if it is diagnosed in, and when this disease cancer in a person is in an first or early signs or stage. This disease cervical cancer is a Severe and it is occurs in women body’s cervix, or in the areas which can joins the section which is lower of the uterus of the women to the vagina. Cervical cancer is a severe and different type of the cancer which is most frequently diagnosed in the women aged between 34 and 44 with the often average and lower age at the diagnosis is being 45, it is a type of a cancer which develops or occurs in the females younger than 20.
The disease cervical cancer is most often occurs or develops in the females over the of 29. Long lasting and bad infection which can be spread and with certain different types of the virus such as human papillomavirus this is the main or major cause of the cancer of cervical.
Cervical cancer is a type of a cancer which is severe and it begins or starts when the cells which are healthy on the surface of the female cervix and it can change or infected due to different type of infection and with the human papillomavirus it and it can grow out the health control of a person.
The first and the early identifiable sign or the disease cervical cancer which are most likely to include such as after intercourse, Abnormal vaginal bleeding, between the females menstrual periods, or it can be after the menopause, menstrual periods and it may be last longer and heavier in a female and it is not a normal it can be Pain in this disease during the period of intercourse.