• October 16, 2024


Everything you need to know about what is coma symptoms ,causes and treatment. 

Coma is a deep unconsciousness coma is it different from sleep. Sleep is different because the person is unable to wake up in coma. It’s not the brain death is a different in the coma the person is alive but cannot respond anything. In the comedy all brain functions are are totally don’t work anything in a level of consciousness and responsiveness will depend on how much the brain functioning properly. In the coma patients of  last for a few days or weeks it really can last for several years if a person emergency call entire in a coma this is a medical emergency and you should have to take a rapid action may be needed to preserve life and brain functions. If person during a coma a person does not react anything to the internal stimuli and they not show the normal reflex response. 

Who person experience of coma cannot be awakened and they do not react anything to the surrounding environment. They do not any response to the paint ,light or having so much noise around the patients they do not make a voluntary action. They do not anything they do not react they do not wake up their body follow normal sleep pattern. In the coma patient they all functions do automatically such as a breathing and circulation in body normally continue to the functions but the all functions are do normal as the normal person do but the person thinking ability is suppressed. To the study of national Institute of neurological disorders and stroke NINDS the coma person sometimes  laugh and or cry as a reflex. Coma may have for various reasons such as a intoxications a disease or infection that affect your central nervous system CNS disease cause serious injury. There are many causes of coma but they all involve some level of injury to the Brain functions or central nervous system. 

There are having many causes problems and types can cause a coma. 

Stroke : stroke is also cause of because reduced enter protected blood supply to the brain and brain can’t for function properly. 

 Tumor : tumors is also the cause of coma in tumor. Brainstem can cause a coma. 

Diebetes : the blood sugar level that is too high to Or too low can cause a coma . 

Seizures : ongoing seizures can lead to a coma. 

Toxins : exposure to toxins such as carbon monoxide Or lead. 

Symptoms of coma 

Symptoms of coma during the coma the person who in coma they cannot communicate with other person so diagnosis through the some outward signs. Before entering in coma the person with the worsening hypoglycemia it means low in sugar or hire blood CO2 level hypercapnia like to Vel first experience. The patient when they will lose consciousness. Anyone who is with this person who is in coma should try to remember what happened before coma started because this all details information will help to determine the underlying cause and give a best or better idea of water treatment to apply. Drug alcohol consumption and smoking overdose on a drugs or alcohol can result in a coma. For coma patience there are many complications can develop during a coma patience there are many complication can develop during a coma because there are involve love pressure sore and urinary tract infections and blood clots in the legs and other many problems. 

  • Closed eyes. 
  • No response. 
  • Limbs that do not respond Or having not any voluntarily move, except for reflex Movement. 
  • Lack of response to painful stimuli and except for reflex movement. 

Treatment for coma patients. 

Coma is a very dangerous for persons because in coma the patient will unconscious slowly and coma is a serious medical emergency. Treatment is depend on the underlying cause of the coma like for example kidney failure, and your liver diseases, diabetes and poisoning and so on. Doctor will recognize the patient when coma brain swelling or surgery may be needed to relieve the pressure. Coma medical emergency doctors will first checkup and recognise how affected person Airway and help maintain breathing and circulation . Oh my God and main result of the drug overdose doctor will give the medication medical to treat the condition. If the coma is due to the season the doctor will take you the medications to control the season of the treatment might focus on the medications or therapist to address underlying of the disease. 

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