• October 16, 2024

Childhood tumor

Generally, tumors occur or causes  when the body cells  grow and divide excessively in the human body. Normally the person  body controls cell division and growth. New cells in a body are created or makes by the body to replace the cells which are  older ones or to perform the new functions of the body. Cells that are damaged, injured or no longer this  is  needed die to make a  room to the human body for healthy cells replacements. The most common and a normal cancers in a children are Leukaemia, Wilma tumor, Retinoblastoma, Neuroblastoma, spinal cord and brain tumors, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Lymphoma which can include a  both and non honking And Hodgkin, Bone cancer is a disease which include  Ewing sarcoma and osteosarcoma. 

Some type of a different children inherit the  DNA changes which is known as a mutations from a parent of a child  which can  increase  their risk or chances of high risk  of the certain types of the cancer. These changes and activities are present or perform in every single cell of the body of the child and this can often be  tested or checked  for in the DNA of the blood cells of a body  or and a other body cells. Pilocytic astrocytoma this is a disease of a tumor in a child body,  This is slow and time consuming growing tumor in a body this the most  normal or common type of a brain tumor which are found in children. Among children aged between one to thirteen years,  their are many  most common and simple types of the such as  leukaemia, followed by the  central nervous system tumors and the brain, Neuroblastoma, lymphomas,  malignant bone tumors and kidney tumors. 

The average or a minimum age at the diagnosis is a eight  overall in the of one to eighteen,  The Seventeen years old for adolescents the between fourteen to eighteen, five years old for the children which are between one to thirteen,  and  while the  adults’ average age for cancer diagnosis is sixty four. Some brain tumours in a child’s body  grow very slowly and take time and in a  low grade which cannot be recovered or  cured. Depending on the  age of a person at diagnosis, the tumour in a person body may also cause a eventually  death Of a person. Or with the tumor a person may live a full life and the person  die from the something else. A death or a life is depend on a person tumour type, where it is in the spinal chord or a  brain, and how this tumor is responds to the treatment.

Brain tumor symptoms or a signs can be  develop or processed  in a people of the all ages which can includes a teens. In recent or early  years, nearly more than a 10% of all new  cancers of the brain are  diagnosed in the persons having tumor under the age of twenty, and another more than a  7% were the tumor is  diagnosed in patients which are aged between the  nineteen  and thirty. Medications which is used for the tumors of a brain include the hormonal treatments, chemotherapy, pain medications and the  anticonvulsants. Chemotherapy to the person works to eliminate or shrink the  brain tumors, while the other prescribed or  prescription medications and antibiotics are used to control the signs or the  symptoms of the tumor while the tumor is being treated by the treatment. 

Some of the most common and simple symptoms or a signs of a brain tumor to a person includes the Seizures,  Vision problems, Mood swings, Changes in personality, Loss of balance, Headaches, stiffness or tingling on one side of the body, Memory loss. Brain tumors in a child is not a normal type of a disease this is very serious and severe type of a problem to a person or a child. You can treat or cure your tumor with many types of a treatment to treat this disease. There are many symptoms of a brain tumours in a body of a child, youngster, and in the adults. You can eat healthy and balanced diet to recover and cure the tumour. Radiartion of the mobile phone can also causes a brain tumours in a child. 

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