• October 17, 2024

Leprosy disease

Leprosy disease:

Leprosy disease is also know as a Hansen’s disease. Leprosy  is an infection caused by the mycobacterium leprae. Mycobacterium leprae are the slow growing bacteria. This disease leprosy can affect the skin, eyes, lining of the nose and nerves. With fast treatment and diagnosis the disease can be cured. The best method to prevent from the spread of Hansen’s disease is the fast or early treatment and diagnosis of a people who are leprosy infected. With this leprosy disease caused skin symptoms such as a discoloured lesion On the chest of the infected people. 

Leprosy cause dry, thick and stiff skin. Lepromatous and tuberculoid are the major two types of leprosy.  Tuberculoid leprosy patient have Relatively few bacteria in the nerves and skin this tuberculoid is a limited disease. Patient of lepromatous have large number of bacteria’s and this are widespread  disease. Leprosy disease directly affect to the lining of the nose, hands, nerves, feet as well as the skin of the patient. In some cases or in some patients which are physically weak to them leprosy can also affect to their organs, such as testicles and kidney mostly in the men. If a person which are affected by this disease and they left it untreated then leprosy can cause kidney failure, blindness, and deformities of the feet and hands. 

The leprosy disease travelled with the humans along with there routes of migration near East and East Africa. Leprosy causes by the mycobacterium leprae bacterium This disease usually happens when the infected person with coughs and sneezes. This infection spread by infected person’s to others by droplets or nasal secretions. Skin lessons of hypopigmented macules, eye damage, and painless ulcers are the signs of leprosy disease.  Later it causes infections such as loss of digits, skin nodules, large ulceration and facial disfigurement may develop. The disease leprosy can develop at any age in the human body but appears in the age of 5 – 15 years over above 30. 

In the Countries such as India, Indonesia and brazil this disease leprosy are very common most of the cases are found in the India.  A mycobacterium leprae is a slow growing bacterium disease caused by the infection in the human body. Leprosy is the infectious disease of the nerves system, skin, and the mucous membrane which are caused by the bacterium mycobacterium leprae. Leprosy is a infectious or transmitted disease which are spread to the person to person. There are three drugs which can cure leprosy such as clofazimine, Rifampicin and dapsone. 

An inflammatory reaction which are occurring in the leprosy are the reactions of lepra. Leprosy disease is a curable disease which are treated by the multidrug therapy. This disease is originated in near East and eastern Africa. And spread with the successive people’s migration. Dr guy Faget had made the treatment  of leprosy. Leprosy damage nerve symptoms which can lead to the loss of parts of human body. Leprosy decreases the ability to pain. Multidrug treatment therapy can cure the leprosy disease. Leprosy is a infectious disease. Leprosy does not spread through sexual contact or during pregnancy to the unborn child.

 Leprosy disease commonly occurs in the poor peoples which are below poverty. There are two main type of leprosy disease such as multibacillary and paucibacillary.   Dry scalp, skin lesions, eye problem, runny nose, reddish skin, muscle weakness, shiny, smooth, diffuse thickening of facial skin, hand and ear are the symptoms present in the different types of the leprosy. Leprosy is a disease which can affect to the people in different ways. Pale or pink colour patches on skin is the first symptoms of leprosy disease. An aerobic and rod shaped bacterium acid fast disease is a leprosy this are intracellular with the leprae. 

If you left this leprosy disease untreated then it can lead to a skin damage, nerves system damage, eye damage and it can also lead to a organ damage in a human such as kidney, and others. Malnutrition, genetic, mutations and illness can reduce a immune function and increases the risk of developing leprosy. During close contact with the infected people’s transmission of leprosy occurs in a person. Leprosy disease are not transferred by the sexual contacts in human. If you feel like you are going trough the symptoms of leprosy or having a pink patches on your skin then you must have to take early detection for this leprosy disease it’s is very important. As per the world health organization Preventative medicine can be given to the peoples who are closely contacts with the infected people’s. You can prevent leprosy disease by avoiding contacts with the peoples which are affected by the leprosy. You can also cure leprosy disease by early treatment and diagnosis. Multidrug therapy is a highly effective treatment for the leprosy.

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