• October 17, 2024

Lyme diseases

By the bacterium the rarely, borrelia mayonii and by the borrelia burgdorferi the Lyme diseases is caused. Lyme diseases transmitted or happens by the bite of the blacklegged ticks which are infected. The Lyme diseases includes symptoms such as fatigue, headache, , fever, and a characteristic skin rash on the  skin called as a erythema migrans. By the biting of infected animals the ticks typically get the bacterium, like mice and the deer. When the longer the thick is attached to the body, the chance of the contracting  disease increases. Borrelia afzelii, borrelia garinii, and the  borrelia burgdorferi  are the three main species of the Lyme disease. Borrelia burgdorferi, borrelia garinii and the borrelia afzelii are the consecutive or the main causative agents of the disease in human beings.

 After the bite of the infected animal a bacterial infection occurs is a Lyme disease. Headache, fever, fatigue, and skin rash are the causes of the Lyme disease. The Lyme disease infection can spread to your heart, joints, and to your nervous system if the infection is not treated early. To recover quickly from the Lyme disease infection prompt disease can help you. To prevent the potential complications accurate and timely diagnosis of Lyme disease can help. In early disseminated Lyme disease the neurological complications are often occurs, with pain, facial droop, numbness, weakness, visual disturbances and the meningitis symptoms such as severe headache, fever, neck, and the stuff. If you are infected by the Lyme disease and you can have Lyme disease without knowing up to six to thirty six months. 

From the earlier stages the symptoms of late Lyme disease differs. Swelling and the joint pain is very common in a North America. The hallmark of the Lyme disease is erythema migrans. Rash on body more than one place can be occurred on some peoples body. There are many symptoms which are occurs in the Lyme disease such as fatigue, headaches, fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes and the neck stiffness. With a bacterium borrelia burgdorferi the Lyme disease infection are caused.  Most of the Lyme disease infection cases can be cured with a oral antibiotics with in 2 to 4 week. Some patients may have symptoms sometime such as fatigue, pain, or difficulty in thinking that are last for more than a 5 months or a year after the treatment is finished. Sometimes Lyme disease can goes away by its own without any treatments or without any antibiotics.

 Many peoples also have Flue like  sometime such as muscle aches, fever, tiredness and headache. Symptoms may go away by its own such as initial illness. Sometimes infections spread in to other parts of the body in some peoples such as in the heart, nervous system and joints. If you are suffering from the Lyme disease and left it untreated then the infection can spread to your other body parts such as in the joints, heart, and nervous system. If you are Lyme disease patient and treated the disease then it does not last for more time or for years, sometimes the disease can linger for few months after the effect. Lyme disease is a infection caused by the bite of  infected animal and this disease cannot affect you in future or in your life but sometimes in some patients may develop some problems with the nervous system, brain, heart and circulation, digestion, joints and muscles, skin, digestion and the reproductive system. Lyme disease cannot be spread or transmitted from person to person because there is no evidence to prove that the Lyme disease is transmitted like viral infection. The untreated disease can be lead to the infection of the placenta in during the pregnancy.  A person cannot get or transmitted by the Lyme disease through any physical touching, sex, kissing and others. The infection Lyme disease can be tricky to the diagnose. Many other health problems looks like the symptoms or signs of the Lyme disease. If you left Lyme disease untreated then it can cause encephalitis and meningitis. The swelling of the lining of spinal cord and the brain is meningitis. Swelling of the brain itself is a . With the Lyme disease the meningitis is more common than the encephalitis. Lyme disease infection is a disease spread by the bite of the infected animals and it can be tough to a diagnose, and the Lyme disease can be cured by the treatments and with the antibiotics. Up to some weeks or some months or even up to years the Lyme disease can remain dormant. Some patients of the Lyme disease can be severe and the need aggressive treatment. If you are suffering from the Lyme disease then it’s symptoms feels like lack of energy, weakness and many other, it can be cured by its own sometimes but sometime you left it untreated it can lead infections to your heart, nervous system and the joints.

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