• October 17, 2024

Mental health:

A mental health includes our social well being, emotions and psychological. Mental health affect by how we think, act and how we feel. Mental health is also helps to determine that how our brain handle stress, make choices and relate to others. Anxiety disorder, eating disorder, psychotic disorder, mood disorder, trauma related disorder,  substance abuse disorder, mood disorder and substance abuse disorder are the types of mental health or mental illness. Community, self care, physical health, person’s therapy, boundaries, intellectual health and the environmental health are the  components of the mental health. You may also have to phase many mental issues and the causes of the mental disorders is still unknown. 

Borderline personality disorder is the most difficult illness to treat. Spending quality time with your family and with your close friends is a example of the good mental health. You can get a better mentality by following this methods such as talk about your personal feelings to your closest person it may help you to deal with the troubles and maintaining good mental health, keep your body active by doing exercises regularly, eat good and healthy diet which are high in vitamin, proteins, calcium, and in many other nutrients, keep in touch with your closest person’s, if in case you need a help of someone then ask them for help, take a break from your regular work or office activities, and do something that you are interested in. Emotional health, cognitive health, and behaviour health are the main components of the mental health. Our emotional, social and psychological well being can decide your mental health condition is healthy or unhealthy. At a every stage of a life mental health is very important. Stress, tense, anxiety, emotions, this all make your brain or your mental health weak and unhealthy. 

 Mental health from the childhood to adulthood the good mental health is very essential. To keep your mentality healthy Maintain communication with your family members and close friends. Do yoga and meditation to maintain your mental health healthy. Regularly doing exercises can keep your physical and mental health strong and healthy. Treatment of a mental disorders can involve psychotherapy and medications. Most of the mental disorders in a human being cannot be treated or cured. Feeling down or sad, excessive fear, extreme mood changes, significant tiredness, problems in sleeping, extremely feeling guilty about something, confused thinking, excessive worries, withdrawal from your friends and closest person’s, and low energy with the significant tiredness are the signs or symptoms of mental unstable person. The mental disorder such as borderline personality disorder is the most painful mental illness. 

Symptoms such as emotional distress, intense emotional pain and psychological agony are produced by the borderline personality disorder.  Borderline personality disorder is also known as most emotional pain. Schizoid personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder, avoidant personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, and the borderline personality disorder are the types of personality disorders in a humans. Everyone is a mentally healthy but sometimes due to any trouble, stress, tense or any issues can make a humans mental health unstable. You can also say insanity, neurosis, lunacy, nervous breakdown, depression, madness, mania, derangement, and the depression  instead of mental illness. Eating Regularly  healthy fruits and green leafy vegetables can maintain your mental health strong and healthy. Particularly the dark green vegetables are very effective for the human mental health. Nuts, seeds, and legumes are also helpful for the mental health of you are feeling mentally disturbed or like tense, or stressed up then must follow this steps to quite your mind such as watch videos or in real Fish swimming’s, exercise if possible, help to others, go outside on the natural places, if you are having a dog go for a hangout with them, listen to your favourite music,  progress in your muscle relaxation, breath or inhale inside and hold for ten seconds and after it exhale your breath, connect with other people’s, be physically and mentally fresh and active, try to learn something new and by many others. Mental health is very important in our daily life and at the any stage of your life.  Mental health is depended or can be seen by  how we eat, act, feel, think, move and by many others.  Mental health can be serious sometimes if you are not getting enough sleep or feeling like disturbed you may suffer from many physical disease and mental disorders, mental disorders such as anxiety, stress, and many other. Mental hygiene is a source of preventing the psychosis neurosis. Mental illness or a disorder must be often but it is not permanent. Stress is not a psychiatric diagnosis it is a mental illness which makes your mentality unhealthy or weak. Stress in human can cause mental illness and it also make problems even worse. 

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