• October 17, 2024

Mouth cancer symptoms and risk factor. 

Mouth cancer symptoms and risk factor. 

In United State 49000 of oral cancer cases in each year most of the people are 40 to 45 years old. The risk factor include being older than 45 this is so exposed to radiation and having other type of head and neck cancer. If you want to prevent a mouth cancer is a never start smoking or if you currently do smoking then quit smoking this is reduce risk factor of mouth Cancer. 

You can also reduce your risk by doing this. Eating food with protein and vitamins and eating a balanced diet and add in your diet fruits and vegetables.  If you drink alcohol then drinking in moderation. Practicing good mouth health habit. This is impossible to fully prevent oral cancer taking this step can helps to reduce your chances of diagnosis. 

You have to visit your doctor aur dentist on your regular basis they will help you ensure any sign of mouth cancer are found as a early as possible. The mouth cancer is develop in the tissue of the mouth or throat. Lip cancer is developed from growth of abnormal cells in on your lips. It’s the most common type of mouth cancer many people have this type of cancer. Salivary gland cancer is mostly rare type of cancer that develops in the glands and duts this is supply saliva to your mouth and throat. 

Mostly this tongue cancer causes of lesions or tumor on your tongue this is do many people have this tongue cancer. The mouth cancer mostly seen in people likely to have this type of cancer to there are way to minimise your risk. There are the death rate of mouth cancer has a decreased in within the past 30 years. 

Type of mouth cancer

  • Inner lips. 
  • Gums. 
  • Floor off the mouth area. 
  • Tongue. 
  • Inner lining of cheeks. 
  • Hard and soft plated

The cancer is occur inside of your mouth and sometimes called oral cancer or cavity cancer. Mouth cancer is one of the type of cancer group in a category is called as Head and neck cancer.Mouth cancer and other head and neck cancer treated similarly. 

Mostly risk of developing mouth cancer.

Who have a oral cancer  the main cause is uses of tobacco 

Tobacco use : 80% of peoples who have mouth cancer the main role play tobacco uses like smoking cigarette ,cigar , pipes or using a smokeless tobacco or Chewing tobacco in your mouth is a one of the most well known risk of oral cancer Or mouth cancer. Many people  chew every day tobacco. Smoking kills your inner organs. 

Alcohol consumers: who heavy drinkers are more likely to be diagnosed with oral cancer or mouth cancer. Five people who use tobacco and alcohol together this is a danger is much higher. Alcohol is harmful for your body and for your inner organs too. 

Sun exposure : Sun exposure all song girls are oral cancer axis of Sun exposure on your left increase your risk of mouth cancer you can reduce the sun Expo using a lip balm or cream containing SPF. 

Symptoms of mouth cancer

There are many other types of cancer the main symptoms and sign of mouth cancer is vary from person to person some of the most common signs are include in mouth cancer like mouth source for pain that doesn’t go away. Mouth cancer may also appear as a bite or red patches on the gums ,tonsils or the leaning of the mouth. 

Symptoms and sign of mouth cancer down below :

  • If in your mouth and lip area sore that doesn’t heal it means it’s cancer. 
  • Reddish and white patches on the lips and inside your mouth. 
  • Loose your teeth. 
  • Always mouth pain. 
  • Ear pain. 
  • Painful swelling around your mouth. 
  • Lumps and growth inside your mouth. 
  • Swelling around your neck. 
  • Feel like something in catch in your throat. 
  • While you move your mouth like your jaw or tongue getting trouble to moving.
  • Lots of weight you lose. 

Treatments of mouth Cancer. 

Mouth Cancer treatments is depend on which type of cancer do you have. 

  • Cancer size and cancer type of the cancer. 
  • Grade and stage of the cancer. 
  • General health. 

Is your mouth cancer has not spread and the beyond the mouth of the part of your throat at the back of your mouth. If your mouth cancer is large and it has spread to your nake with the help of surgery ,radio therapy and chemotherapy may be needed. 

The doctor will make a recommendation about your all treatment with the help of advance of all your care team but the main decisions it will be yours. 

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