• October 17, 2024

Multiple sclerosis:

A potentially disabling disease of the spinal cord and brain is know as a multiple sclerosis. Communication problems cause between your brain and the rest of you body this happens because the immune system attacks on the protective sheets which covers nerve fibers.Multiple sclerosis is a disease or a condition in which the brain and spinal cord affected. These are the potential symptoms including problems arms or legs sensation problems or balance movement. Multiple sclerosis is a condition in which sometimes it Couse serious disability. The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are common including sexual problem, pain, fatigue, cognitive and mood changes (such a visual changes, depression,mascular changes), bladder and bowel . For the disease multiple sclerosis there is no cure, treatments are focuses on recovery from the attack. Some patients have such a mild problems or a symptom that they don’t need a treatment. Treatments are focuses on slowing down the progression of the disease and managing multiple sclerosis 

-There are four of multiple sclerosis.

“relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. ”primary-progressive multiple sclerosis. ”secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis. ”clinically isolated syndrome.”

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis are as follows:

*Body pain And spasms 

*Visual or a vision problem is the most common problem in these disease.

*Weakness and fatigue.

*Cognitive problems.

*Bowel and dysfunction.

*Numbness and tingling. 

*Sexual dysfunction.

A long lasting disease multiple sclerosis can affect you spinal cord,brain,and the optic nerves in your eyes. Which can Couse a problems with balance,muscles control, and other basic body function. Basically you  may have to adapt your  daily life. If you are affected with the multiple sclerosis, with a good treatment and with the best medical ,mental cure many people can lead long and a healthy life. There are no proven ways to getting prevent. Anyone can get affected by the multiple sclerosis, there is unknown causes of multiple sclerosis. The first sign of multiple sclerosis is tingling and numbness, a lack of feeling, needles and pin sensation. It happens in the arms, legs ,face and one side of the body. The pain in a multiple sclerosis feels like sharp and squeezing, burning, stabbing sensation.  A patient can experience a chronic neuropathic pain and acute neuropathic pain. If you are tasting the blood to detect multiple sclerosis then it is totally waste of time because no blood test can diagnose multiple sclerosis. Doctor may suggest you blood testing to rule out the other condition which have similar symptoms. Blood testing can rule out the other health problems but not the multiple sclerosis. 

New therapies are emerged, the latest treatment of multiple sclerosis is “siponimod” .siponimod was approved in the 2019 by the (F D A).you can take this tablets by the suggestion of your doctor’s only ,these tablet are taken for secondary-progressive and relapsing-remitting forms of multiple sclerosis. Some people says that the stress can cause multiple sclerosis. “no, there is no definitive evidence to prove or to say that stress is a Couse of multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis have no considered end stage. When a patient begins to experience more pronounced complications in the multiple sclerosis. If you are healthy ,fit and fine and you have mild disease of multiple sclerosis then you can do well without a treatment. Multiple sclerosis affect the women’s more than a men. between the ages twenty- forty the disorder is most commonly diagnosed ,but it can be seen at any ages. These usually happens  because the immune system attacks on the protective sheets which covers nerve fibers. “white matter” part of the brain is affected by the Multiple sclerosis. The risk of multiple sclerosis can be down because of the sun light because the connection between multiple sclerosis and vitamin D is a strengthen by the association. The most efficient source of vitamin D is in the body is sunlight. If you are the patient of sugar then excessive weight can also increase your fatigue, this is a common symptoms of multiple sclerosis. The disease multiple sclerosis is not considered to be contagious. You can suspect a multiple sclerosis if you have a symptom like  including sexual problem, pain, fatigue, cognitive and mood changes (such a visual changes, depression,mascular changes), bladder and bowel . At the time of initial diagnosis the multiple sclerosis can’t be identified. A constant, boring tingling and burning intensely can describe as a pain in legs of a multiple sclerosis patients. Multiple sclerosis can Couse weight gain and it is very common in these disease , it depends on the things like depression, fatigue and the medicines which are suggested by the doctors which you take 

The medical cure or the best medications for multiple sclerosis are as follows :

Fingolimod, dimethyl fumarate, vumerity, ozanimod, siponimod, bafirtam, teriflunomod and others which are suggest by the highly experienced doctors.

You have to avoid the foods like processed meat, refined oils, junk foods etc. 

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