• October 16, 2024

Vomiting the stomach contains throwing up forcefully.

Vomiting the stomach contains throwing up forcefully. 

This is the content which stomach does not except. Sometimes the underlying medical conditions can cause vomiting. Vomiting are nausea are not the diseases, but this can of the signs for other diseases or infections. 

Most of the time vomiting is occurred due to overeating, toxic food, food poisoning, intestinal blockages, concussion, brain injury, motion sickness, or any kind of stomach flu.

 The appendicitis and migraines are also the reasons behind  vomiting. The warning signs of vomiting are mouth filling with saliva, retching, involuntary stomach reflexes, choking, gagging.

 The saliva secrets in the mouth to protect the teeth from an acid present in the stomach. The vomiting is mostly often seen in adults as well as babies. In pregnant women the morning sickness leads to vomiting. After vomiting try to avoid food for some while. 

As the stomach is not ready to intake any kind of unwanted food. You should stop taking oral medicines. Eat bland food so it is easy to swallow, stop eating oily food or any kind of fries. Keep yourself hydrated and try to eat more fruits. 

If you vomit suddenly then stop eating or drinking water or any food for few hours. And if you are hungry try gelatin, flavored ice, apple juice, flat soda or any sports drink. 

The tablet you should take is Zofran Zofran. If the children under the age 2 to 12 years are vomiting for several time in a day then you must definitely consult the doctor as soon as possible. After the days are passed you may loose your weight suddenly. Avoid citrus after vomiting and try to swallow some sweet liquid. 

You should sleep the head up for about 12 inches above your feet, so that the remains does not enter the esophagus. After throwing up sit down for some while in propped up position. 

Intake of ginger ale or Gatorade is good after throwing up. The color of vomit is orange or any bright color. Sometimes it looks like bright green color. As it contains blood the fluid made by your liver throws everything up. 

The blood in the vomit can be the reason for having any kind of ulcer. Any color of urine are the cause of concern. If you through up everyday then the body becomes dehydrated and it leads the weaking of the muscles and high level of fatigue.

 Sometimes it may also throw out the electrolytes and leaves strain in your heart. Due to this it can cause arrhythmia that is weakening of the heart and it may also cause heart failure. 

If you drink water on empty stomach then it feels like nausea, as your body needs food not water. And you may feel low and very much hungry for food. Vomiting for several times may have another issues related with your stomach. 

And puking after throwing up may make you feel better. If you drink ginger ale or diluted juice then you may feel better. Avoid eating preservatives, curd, yogurt, or Maida products such as Maggie, or bread. 

When you are not feeling better then your lining of stomach GI is irritated or inflamed so due to this the tract is unable to take any kind of food.

 And it may throw up the contents of your stomach. When you vomit all the stomach muscles contracts at the same time and the stomach starts aching. The muscles squeezes everything in your stomach and thus after sometime you may feel better. 

Sometimes vomiting is good for your health so the after you throw out everything you feel relaxable. You should avoid taking any kind of medications as sometimes it may not suit your body and thus the body starts throwing unwanted substances out of your body. 

Try eating green leafy vegetables and avoid eating green vegetables in the rainy seasons because the unwanted bacteria lies on the leaf and when we intake these kind of bacteria directly in our stomach then the stomach starts aching and thus the person may start vomiting.

 Also after purchasing the vegetables wash them properly so that the bacteria gets off due to the pressure of water and you can cook the vegetables. 

You should wake up early in the morning and exercise regularly and wash your mouth properly. You should take proper diet and try to eat fruits in large amount if you are sick.

Wash hands properly before and after having food. Some germs may enter in your body and harm your internal system which may also lead to vomiting. Avoid eating street food as it contains dirty oil which affects the body and stop the heart tract and causes heart attack. Many people does not use refined oil and thus leads to other diseases and thus they may also die.

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