• October 16, 2024



A bacterial infections that can affect several organs in the human body is know as typhoid. Typhoid is a common infection in a poor Countries or like low economical countries. This infection can be Couse by the unhealthy or road side foods. This disease is highly contagious. This infection is also causes by the unclean dirty water. To avoid this infection the effective treatments is antibiotics or it is very important to drink cleaned, water or mineral water it rehydrate the body.

Courses of typhoid 

Typhoid is a bacteria which spread from the infected people’s  splits, faces ,Urine etc. Symptoms’ of typhoid is usually clear up within a week with the best treatment and without any treatment it will mild and clear up in with in two weeks 

*Typhoid is the disease which are normally begins in between 7to 30 days after infected by the bacteria. 

Symptoms of typhoid

* temperature of the person gets high up to 38-41° Celsius.

* headache and stomach pain increases.

*Starts Weight loss and weakness in the body.

*Muscle pain and dry cough.


The good sanitation and improvements in medical care can help to prevent and control over typhoid. The good medical cares can be most effective and clear up the bacteria’s from the body with in a one or two weeks. Typhoid disease can be avoid by taking good and healthy foods like salads, fruits etc. . The only treatment for this bacterial infection is antibiotic.

Avoiding infections 

The disease typhoid is spread by the patients or from the infected person’s urine ,split, faces, sneeze etc. this disease is highly spreads in a countries which are below  poverty or undeveloped countries.

*These bacteria’s or infections can  be avoid by the taking care like follows

-typhoid can be avoid by drinking safe and pure water.

-eating healthy food and by avoiding the unhealthy or street foods.

-avoid food which are handled by another person.

-typhoid can be avoid by the taking care of the digestion in the body .digestion process can be increased by the exercises,running,walking etc.

-avoiding junk foods and eating healthy foods like fruits, salads, green vegetables and etc.

-avoiding places which are very dirty and unclean .

-avoid travelling in the situation like heavy rains, etc. 

-wash hands frequently by the soap with clear water .

-avoid public toilets, public stands, and unclean places.


The best and effective treatment of the typhoid disease is antibiotics. After the antibiotic or other than it drinking adequate water can rehydrate .typhoid disease can be also treated in two days with good antibiotic therapy, with these antibiotics improvement are seen with in two ,three days and with in ten days recovery is usually seen.

 Typhoid can be treated by the taking cure’s like taking antibiotics daily on time, having healthy foods, avoiding unclear and cold water. With the good medical facilities and antibiotics recovery is usually seen.

The disease typhoid is  is also treated by the Ayurveda treatments, there are many Ayurveda treatments to kill this bacteria’s .

Avoid food which are high in fibbers it helps to digest the food. Spicy foods or junk food must avoid while having the treatments because it can disturb digestion system and stomach  pain ,headache can be increases. 

The countries below poverty range or undeveloped are mostly infected by this disease  and the people  who can’t afford high rated treatments or not having good medical facilities can also take fever antibiotics.

Keep taking treatments and antibiotics as long as far the doctors recommended .

Treatments like antibiotics ,Ayurveda are the most effective in this disease  because of the best treatment and taking good cure can usually often the disease .

In this era there are many medical facilities and Ayurvedic facilities to treate or to kill this bacteria’s from the human body .

*The disease are common in as follows

These disease  disease typhoid is common   In such a places where food ,water,air,are unsafe and with the poor sanitation .the countries like Pakistan,Bangladesh,Afghanistan should have to take precautions to prevent typhoid.

Such a countries are under developing countries which are not having good medical facilities and they are with the poor sanitisation these are the places which are under poverty line. Places in such a countries are not sanitation and not having good medical cure’s.


-avoid public toilets and places

-avoid street stand foods.

-avoid local food and unhealthy food

– drink clear and mineral water 

-daily wash your hands after coming from public places 

-take shower or bath regularly with safe and clear water

-eat healthy foods like salads, fruits, green vegetables.

-go on walk ,exercise, gym’s, or keep your body healthy

-keep your area, locality clean and safe

-have food after taking shower it will effect on your digestion system

-keep distance from the people which are infected or having disease like fever,cough,etc.

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