• February 11, 2025

Allergy and asthma.

Allergy and asthma

What is allergy. Your immune system work on protect you from bacteria and viruses and parasite. If you have allergy from something your immune system have a hard work to protect you this is this is harmless substance . When your body meet allergy its make make is called as igE antibodies. This release chemical and then caused by swelling inflammation. When you feel Or if you feel during the breathing trouble in allergy season. Some peoples are so many peoples may develop breathing problem form in helping versions this is known as a allergic of asthma.

When you are breathing problem . So many peoples allergy play large part in their life because is its help problem also. Allergy can affected on what you do what you eat and products you use and even the way you breathe. When allergy combined with the Britain condition called as allergy is called as allergic asthma. Allergy is also called as it triggers because they set or of your asthma so many things that could cause you to have a reaction might not affect to the other peoples . Allergy allergy when you have allergy with your body and create a response your body to something it think is a threat for you and your body also. 

This all process done by immune system your payment system work to protect from disease and protect from virus and bacteria when your immune system think that there are dangerous it release a chemical called as a immunoglobulin. 

The energetic customer is a disease of the long that causes your airway. Many peoples with customer actually have a allergic problem of asthma. It is the most common disease and it is a most type of a most common type of a asthma. 

There are in a several countries like United States about 25 million plus have a allergic asthma. The allergic asthma starts from the you feel the symptoms start from allergens related to allergens. This is the main difference between about allergy asthma there are many types of asthma but most common asthma is allergic asthma. 

Allergy can be found all around you you mean is indoor and outdoor environments can causes bye allergy. When you have allergy customer you feel irritate about inhalling while you breathe this version can set off Trigger for some time symptoms. 

This is the most important which type of allergy and asthma you have and you have to control your condition. You have to do there are several test that your help care provide can be a diagnosis allergic asthma like pinpoint allergy your providers blood test or a skin test for the check out the allergic asthma in this test your provider is looking for the effects of the allergen on your body. During an asthma attack there are three things can be happen with you.. you have to option and help and control to manage your allergic asthma your health care provider me a prescription the medication to control the allergic asthma. You can take a star medicine in a different or several ways. 

The main role and your main goal of Asthma treatment its control the the symptoms of a stomach and asthma control allergic asthma. When your doctor or Health Care provide to say you have a stomach you will need to know that what Trigger an attack. 

  • Inflammation : swollen air don’t let as much air in or out of the lungs. 
  • Mucus production: your body create a more mucus during the attack this thick mucus clogs airways. 
  • Bronchospasm : in your body the muscles around the Airways construct it means tighten when they are tight and it’s make the Airway narrow the farmer in the air cannot flow freely through the constricted Airway. This is happen with you when you have allergic asthma attack. 


  • Allergic: some people have allergic asthma some people have non allergic asthma some people salary can be caused an asthma attack. Molds, pollen and other allegerns can be caused by asthma attack. 
  • Non – allergic : the non allergic asthma is the outside factor can be caused by the ma to Flare up exercise dress in less weather and many more things caused by flare. 

Symptoms of allergy asthma : so many peoples our usual symptoms obvious symptoms on asthma. With this allergy ticket you may not have all the symptoms but maybe it is also to. You may have a different sign different symptoms or different time and symptoms may be changed between your asthma attack. 

  1. Allergy customer have a chest tightness pain in your chest or pressure on your chest. 
  2. Always having cough and specially at night you have cough in midnight . 
  3. Every time you breathe you feel trouble in your brightness is also called as a start Ness of breath. 
  4. Wheezing. 

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