• October 16, 2024

Blood Group B

Blood group B:

Blood is a necessary for the human body and it is made up of the red blood cells, platelets  and the white blood cells in a liquid are known as a  plasma. Your body’s blood group  is classified or  identified by the  Antigens and the antibodies  in the human body blood. Antibodies are the chemical in the body which are the proteins that are found in a body  plasma. They are the part of the human  body’s natural defences. They are used to  recognise the foreign substances of the body, such as they alerts your immune system, and germs, which helps and totally destroys them. Antigens are the  protein molecules which are found on the body’s surface of the  red blood cells.

B’s are the blood group which are most balanced and common  blood type they are often  strive for the  harmony in the relationships. The person having blood group B may do things at their pace of own and they may have a strong personality, and be easy and optimistic to get through along with. The person having B blood group having a tendency  towards the diversity of the aptitude for the  sleuthing and they love to the all foods. The person having blood group B that person having  surface of the red blood cells which contains  antigen B, and the plasma of there body has anti-A antibody. Anti-A antibody is a contain which are seen in the person who is having a blood group B and this antibody would attack on the  blood cells which contain A antigen in a body. The red blood cells in a human body have both blood group B and A antigens, but the plasma in a body does not contain the  anti B or anti A antibodies.

B positive Is a most common complex of the blood group or the blood types in a human and it  is an important blood type Or a blood group treating to the people which are having a sickle cell disease in there body and the thalassemia who are the patient since years and which  need regular transfusions in the body . These conditions of the blood mostly affect  in the South Asian and Black communities where this blood group B positive blood is most complex and  more common. There is currently a very high and very more  demand for the blood group B positive donations with the subtype of the RO. 

B negative is a blood group of the  blood and this blood  is one of the rarest and main  blood types or blood groups as just a 2% of our regular blood donors have it. In comparison to others the  35% of donors are having the blood group O positive blood and this is the  and the main  type of the blood group. B positive is a rare blood type or a blood group in a human which holds the  tremendous power in the body. Only 7% of the entire  population has blood group or the blood type B positive blood. B positive blood donors are having two ways of the  targeting the body  power of their own  donation. The most and common  preferred donation method in the human body is to donate the platelets. Red blood cells which are  from blood group B positive donors of this type of blood also  hold the lifesaving power.

About 8% of the entire  population In the world having a B positive blood group or blood type. B positive is a blood group which are red blood cells and it can be given to the  both AB positive and B positive patients body. B positive patients which are having B positive blood group can receive the blood from B negative, B positive, O negative  and O positive donors. B negative is a blood group which is only found in two in a every  60 people, making it the extremely rare and important.  Every two seconds of the day in any area, someone needs blood, so the B negative is in a high and more demand constantly in any place or at any areas. 

If your blood group is B then you should have to avoid foods such as wheat, corn,  buckwheat, tomatoes, lentils, sesame seeds, peanuts. Chicken is also harmful or  problematic to the person having B blood group. You can keep your blood healthy by eating healthy foods

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