• October 16, 2024

Cartilage diseases:

Once it is damaged, articular cartilage in a human body  will not heal or recover  on its own without treatment. Articular cartilage disorders in a human body  occur more commonly  in young adults aged group  and can be happened due to the  muscle weakness, overuse, or by the sports injury. Other causes of these disease includes  the  bone obesity, misalignment, inflammatory arthritis and the osteoarthritis. There are some disease or the disorder of the cartilage diseases which includes, Injury in the body to the patients articular cartilage, Achondroplasia, Osteoarthritis,  Herniation, polychondritis Relapsing, Costochondritis, Non-cancerous tumor, cancerous tumors, Malignant. The most important causes of  the disease cartilage damage in a human body  are tear and wear,    traumatic injury or a repetitive actions. There are the three types of These disease cartilage such as fibrous, hyaline, and the elastic cartilage. There are some  inflammatory rheumatic diseases in a human body by these disease which can be  lead arthritis to your body  and it  can also damage severely your body’s cartilage  tissue. These include the arthritis in your body such as  juvenile idiopathic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus in a body, gout, and the seronegative spondylosis arthroplasties.

While cartilage in a human  is very beneficial to human body, the cartilage is a disease which  have a drawback, and the cartilage can not heal itself or cannot recover by its own as well as most other to the most of another types of different tissues. The cartilage cells of the human body is called as a  chondrocytes which can not often to the replicate or It can not recover or repair themselves, that means a injured or damaged  cartilage in your body  will not mostly easily  heal well in the time without any treatment or the  medical intervention of the person. Cartilage in a human body  is the main and the most typical type of  the connective tissue of the body which is  seen throughout the human  body. The cartilage in your body can be serves a different types of the variety of  functional and the structural purposes and it can also  exists or ends in different or various types throughout our bones, lungs, joints, spine, nose and the ears. Dietary supplements can also prevent or recover your cartilage disorder or the disease Dietary supplements to keep healthy bones such as  chondroitin and the glucosamine are the not treated surgical or it is not a options for this  cartilage restoration in a body. glucosamine and the Chrondroitin sulphate are  the substances which can occurs naturally in the body of a person which can be  prevent degradation in a body of cartilage and it can also  promote to the formation of a new type of the cartilage. 

Cartilage regeneration in a human body  is a procedure which can  attempts to the  restore damaged cartilage of a body and by harnessing to the person’s body’s cells to replace or to regrow lost cartilage of the body. Most of these treatments or the medication of the cartilage can be also done by the  arthroscopy, less bleeding, providing benefits of less pain and it can also in to faster recovery. As cartilage in a human body does not show up or seen  on an X-ray, the loose or the unhealthy body will only be seen or visible if  the cartilage is consists of the bone. 

Cartilage growth in a human body can be occurs through the  two different and various two types of the  processes such as appositional growth  and the interstitial growth occurs within the disease of the  cartilage through the mitotic division and the process of the existing chondrocytes a human body and the appositional growth, new cartilage in a body  is a laid down to the person  and at the surface of the perichondrium.

Fibro cartilage is a strongest type of the cartilage which is found in many type of the special pads which is called  as a menisci and in the disks or the joints which are between your spinal bones, and spinal chord is called as a vertebrae. These pads in a human body are the vital to reducing the  friction in the body’s joints such as the backbone and the knee.  Doctors and the orthopaedic can consider this fibro cartilage as a strongest of the body’s three cartilage types. It has a different and the  thick layers or plate of the strong and tight collagen fibers. 

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