• January 9, 2025

Deaf: Common Disease

When a person cannot hear the same range of the sound as per the person with good and normal ability to hear that person is considered as a deaf. A people which cannot be able to listen is also considered as a deaf. Some peoples are one of them who are partially deaf that they may hear some words and sounds. Some people which are not able to understand and hear the words are hard of hearing. A severe and a hearing impairment that the child is impaired in processing the information such as linguistic through the hearing, without amplification or with the amplification.  A deafness is defined in a simple definition “ a person who is not able to listen or understand the words or sound is considered as a deaf”. 

Even in the presence of the amplification a loss of a degrees in that the person is unable to understand spoken words or the speech is a person who considered or known as a deaf. Deafness is a condition in which a hearing loss is occurred severe that there a very tiny or a little or no functional hearing.  Mixed hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, and the sensorineural hearing loss are the types of hearing loss in a person. Deafness is a problem that there is no cure for it. The hard hearing loss can damage your inner ear and it can be treated rather than a effectively with hearing aids. If a person is suffering through the deafness then they cannot be a able to listen anything but they can talk clearly and very well, but if someone is not able to listen or deaf from his childhood that they prevented from the learning their spoken language they cannot be able to speak normally. Hearing loss is a condition which affect the people of any age and it can be occurred by the many different types of factors. Conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss and the mixed hearing loss are the three main categories of the deafness. Chronic exposure and the aging exposure to loud noises this both contribute to the hearing loss in a person. In a deafness a person can not reverse the most or different types of the hearing loss. 

A complete inability in a person to hear a sound is known as a deafness. Hearing loss and a deafness have many different causes and it can be occurs at any age. Some people can go deaf at any time as a complications of the viruses, or they may loss there hearing capacity over the time because Of some disease, injuries which are caused by the noise and the nerve damage. Deaf is a common but it is no longer accepted. Because of the impairment of hearing some deaf peoples which are not be able to listen are limited in some functions of their body this is the reason that deaf peoples are having disability. In some cases of a deafness that the peoples are not be able to speak. Deafness can be occurred in a person in two types they can be partially disabled to hear or they can be completely loss there hearing loss. Some people In a deafness can hear very little or they can not be able to hear anything at all.  A deafness in a human is a profound form of the completely or partially hearing loss. Peoples who are deaf can be able to drive safely, they can drive safely like others. You can check your hearing  at home by finding a quite place or a area to complete the test of hearing. There are many causes of the hearing loss but the they cannot be treated, but in some people the hearing aids can be treated . There are many common ear problems that  includes such as a ear infection in a young children’s and infant, tinnitus, and the Meniere’s disease. A deafness in a some people is normal but some can be have many disability in there body function. Deafness tends or a sensorineural hearing loss to  be permanent. The nerve deafness is a condition which is not curable. The sensorineural hearing loss can be caused by the damage to the inner ear or by the damage of the hear cells of the inner ear. The damage of the inner air can be caused by the genetic disorders. You can improve your hearing capacity or clarity by following this methods such as doing yoga or meditation regularly can improve your concentration and listening capacity, stop smoking and alcohol consumption immediately, check for ear wax once in a week, eat foods which are high in all vitamins, locate or focus on the sound, avoid places which are noise polluted, and if you are music addicted then listen music in a low sound.

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