• October 16, 2024

Diabetes type

All about diabetes type 1 and type 2 and diabetes .

Diabetes is a disease that occur when your blood glucose also called as blood sugar in is too high. 

Diabetes is caused by high blood sugar. 

Overtime have a glucose in your body in your blood can cause health problems. 

You can manage your diet and you can change your physical activity and you can manage your diabetes diet and stay healthy. 

There are a few different types of diabetes. 

The most common types of diabetes are a Type 1 and type 2 . 

Type 1 Diabetes

If you have a Type 1 Diabetes your body does not make insulin for your body . 

In your body your immune system attacked and there are also will destroy from pancreas that make insulin. 

Type 1 Diabetes is the in a diagnosis the young an adult and children’s in any age e 

Who had type of diabetes 1 they have a take insulin every day to day life. 

Type 2 diabetes

If you have a type of 2 diabetes your body does not make or use insulin well. Type 2 diabetes in any age  during childhood. 

This type of diabetes most of tenth in 45 to older people age type 2 is a most common diabetes. Because the diabetes is mostly age after 45. 

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is mainly in when women its pregnant. Most of this diabetes is goes the after baby born. 

Other types of diabetes

Leaf common types include monogenic diabetes which are in her turn from the diabetes . 

 Diabetes diet

There is a main role of diabetes diet is a control your blood sugar level. 

It’s too important for your diabetes because you can’t eat for sugar foods. 

You should have to manage your diet preventing and management of diabetes. 

Your diabetes diet is the most important because healthy eating plan that will help you control your blood sugar level. 

We are started planning to Counting carbohydrate to.  

When you are doing a diabetes diet you have a need to do some physical activity to maintain your blood sugar level and high blood pressure also do some normal activities like exercises walk. 

You have diabetes that means you have to planning of milk in advance is a good way to ensure that people managing diabetes balance your diet nutrition diet. 

Nutrition and protein and physical activities are most important part of Healthy lifestyle when you have diabetes. 

This meal plan for starting Meal plan can help your blood glucose level in your control and also blood sugar in your target range. Make sure you have diabetes then you have a balanced diet. 

Manage your blood glucose you need to balance what you eat in one day and drink also with the physical activity and diabetes tablets medicines if you take any what you choose to eat how much. 

That doesn’t mean you have diabetes and you don’t eat your favourite food you can eat your favourite food but it smaller portion or enjoy them less of often. 

You have diabetes and you have to take a small portion and a good food of healthy food of variety from all food groups in amount your mail plan outline. Diabetes doesn’t mean you have can’t have a fruit fruits and vegetables and naturally in low calories and full of vitamins minerals and fruits and vegetables and naturally in low calories and full of vitamins minerals and fibres. 


 you can eat broccoli ,carrot, Greens,  and tomatoes include the potato, corn and green peas. 


Orange ,melon, berries, apple, banana and grapes. 


  • Include wheat, rice, oats, cormeal, barley. 


Lean meat, chicken or Turkey without skin, eggs, fish, peanut, nuts .

Healthy eating includes

  • Limit in your food that are high in sugar that mean Glucose. 
  • Eating smaller portion when you eat a street and all eating a small portion small quantity in your plate. 
  • Be careful about your meal means when you eat carbohydrate that theke Limited portion means how much eat. 
  • Eat everyday variety of grains foods fruits and vegetables everyday. 
  • Less fat in your diet. 
  • Limit of your use of alcohol . 
  • Less salt in your diet. 
  • Balancing proteins and carbohydrates and fats in your meal. 
  • Major portion accurately. 

You can live a healthy life with your diabetes .healthy food in your diet and do some physical activity and you can stay healthy with diabetes. 

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