• October 16, 2024

Everything you know about Chikungunya causes and symptoms and treatment.

Everything you know about Chikungunya causes and symptoms and treatment. 

Chikungunya is a viral disease. Chikungunya viral disease and it is transmitted to the human by spread through infected mosquito. It is caused by the Chikungunya virus and it is happen by sudden fever and having joint pain in your finger, toes ,knees can be server and debilitating. The name of Chikungunya derived from word kimakonde language. The Chikungunya disease firstly discovered by during an outbreak in a southern tanzania in 1952. And Chikungunya had previously been detected in countries like Africa, Asia, Europe and, India mostly seen in Pacific Ocean regions ,and local transformations of the virus was first detected in the the Caribbean in 2013. This disease is dangerous for human health. Mostly this is disease happen in Africa.

 This virus infected by infected mosquito. And this infected person cannot direct Trance make the virus to another person. Venomous kito feed on the persons with the virus circulate in their blood that time the disease is spread. And disease happen when infected mosquito bite the person. Mostly the Chikungunya virus is most spread to the people by aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes there are many mosquitoes and some of the mosquitoes that transmit dengue virus. If you go somewhere and you came from their recently returned from an area with no there is a virus transmission and you are experiencing the high fever and joint pain in your body that means you are doctor might recommend a series of blood test to detect the presence of Chikungunya virus or antibodies. The virus mainly caused the joint pain and muscle pain that of 10 cause a person to bend over with the back pain the virus mainly cause a joint pain and muscle pain that of 10 cause a person to bend over with the back pain. Most of the Chikungunya symptoms are seen in short lived, joint pain can become a long-term issue for human health. Once infected with the Chikungunya eight can take three or seven days before symptoms start to begin. Always having joint pain and muscle pain of fever will present as the first sign of infection of Chikungunya there are many rare cases but Chikungunya cause death also. 

Symptoms of Chikungunya

In the Chikungunya firstly happen is typical fever followed by the Rash. After this the bite of an infected mosquito onset of illness usually happen with human body for at least for 4 to 8 days later but the range can be 2 to 12 days also. 

  • Suddenly happen high fever like 102 degree. 
  • Strong joint pain in your finger, toes ,knees ,leg, ankle. 
  • Very strong headache. 
  • Myalgia. 
  • Arthritis. 
  • Conjunctivitis. 
  • Nausea. 
  • Vomiting
  • Rice on your and lakes flat areas on the skin covered with the elevated bumps. 

Treatment of chickengunya. 

In the Chikungunya treatment there is no cure for no specific antiviral drugs for Chikungunya so treatment in valve relieve the symptoms. There are many similarities of symptoms between Chikungunya and dengue in the area where the the disease of both virus are circulate in your area suspected Chikungunya patient this type of patient they should have to avoid the Aspirin or nonsteroidal and anti inflammatory drugs. Because this type of medication can increase the risk of your bleeding chances within the dengue. There are in Chikungunya and there are no any vaccine for preventive drugs for Chikungunya so best way to avoid infection is to prevent from the mosquito bite but there are many potential vaccines Being evaluated in clinical testing. 

  • Antipyretics to reduce the high fever. 
  • Analgesics for pain relief in in your joint pain this is for joint pain and reduce high fever. 
  • Drinking of plenty of fluids. 
  • Rest. 

Prevent from chikungunya 

There are no vaccine for Chikungunya so you should have to avoid mosquitoes the best a way to stay Chikungunya free tips to avoid a mosquito bites. If you are a Traveller person and you’re travelling to an area and am a quick Chikungunya considered speaking with passport and health specialist. 

  • Whenever you go the new area and area you should have to wear long sleeves covered long shirt aur pant. You have to cover your full body. 
  • If in an area that open to the outdoor you should have to use the mosquito netting.
  • Possibly you should have to stay or sleep in door. 
  • Use insect repellent with active DEET. 

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