• October 16, 2024



The fever is referred also as to pyrexia ,a temperature above the regular or a normal range in a persons body due to temperature increases in a human body. In a fever muscle contraction increases trigger points and courses feelings like cold or chills. When a set or a increased range temperature returns to normal then a person feels like hot and it may be begin sweat. Fever may trigger rarely a febrile seizure And this is very common in young age children’s. Fever is a infectious and paediatrics disease. Feeling cold, chills, shivering, sweating and others are the symptoms of fever disease. Virus, increased in the bodies temperature, bacteria and others are the Couse of fever. The disease can be caused in or by any medical conditions which ranging from non serious condition to the life threatening. Generally treatment is not required in to reduce the fever. Putting a cool cloth on the patients forehead and having a slightly warm water bath are not useful to reduce the temperature it may make a patient uncomfortable. I’d a young age children’s like more than three months must need a medical attention. These disease fever is a most common medical sign . These mostly affected to the under aged or young  children’s. Mostly 30 % of children’s are affected by the fever and expect that 75% people’s adults which are seriously sick. The temperature in which remains above the normal range and above the normal in full day is a continues fever. A temperature in which a body temperature remains for a certain period and return Bach to a normal once is a intermittent fever. The fever in which temperature goes above the normal range and fluctuated more than 1 or 2° C throughout all the day  is a remittent fever. 

The mosquito borne infection that can be lead to a sever or uncritical condition like illness is known as a dengue fever. Dengue fever is also know as a breakbone fever it can be caused by the four different types of viruses or spread by the mosquitos. There are three types of dengue fever like critical, febrile, convalescent. You can prevent a dengue disease by  control mosquitos outside or inside the home and by wearing a long sleeve shirts .mostly these dengue disease is often by the mosquito borne viral infections found in any climates such as sub tropical and tropical climates, mostly found in a semi urban and urban areas. The liver is a main organ which is affected by the dengue disease. The heart and lungs are also important sites. 

Flu is a common viral infection which can be life taking specially in a high risk situations. Lungs, nose and throat are affected by the flu. The flu disease can be short term illness in a healthy person body and expect if  the unhealthy persons affected by these infection then they may take long term illness and take more time to get well .you can prevent flu by having healthy food, exercise, gym’s etc and by the taking awareness like maintaining distance from the infected person’s. Sore throat, cough, headaches, fatigue, runny or stuffy nose, fever and feeling chills, etc are the symptoms of flu. You can also affected by the flu without fever. To get rid of the flu you have to follow these methods such as eat bland foods or ear plain foods which are less irritating to your stomach, drink plenty of water ,rest for some anti vomiting and anti diarrhoeal medicines.

Typhoid is one of the type of a fever which are often by the unhealthy foods or drinking unhealthy water etc.  A bacterial infections that can affect several organs in the human body is know as typhoid. Typhoid is a common infection in a poor Countries or like low economical countries. This infection can be Couse by the unhealthy or road side foods. This disease is highly contagious. This infection is also causes by the unclean dirty water. To avoid this infection the effective treatments is antibiotics or it is very important to drink cleaned, water or mineral water it rehydrate the body.

Courses of typhoid 

Typhoid is a bacteria which spread from the infected people’s  splits, faces ,Urine etc. Symptoms’ of typhoid is usually clear up within a week with the best treatment and without any treatment it will mild and clear up in with in two weeks.

A disease or a viral infection spread by a particular species of mosquitos is called as a yellow fever 

You can prevent these disease or infection by avoiding the unhealthy and junk foods due to these foods your immune system gets week and cause many diseases. Go for exercise, walking , or do any physical activities to keep your intestine healthy. If you are affected by these infections the you have to take good medical treatments to get rid in less time. 

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