Genetic disorders:
Genetic disorders:
A genetic disorder in a person is a disease to the person which is caused or occurs by the mutation, or change in an a persons bodies DNA sequence. A genetic disorder in a person body is an a illness or a disease which is occurred or caused due to a changes in a DNA of a person’s. A genetic disorder in a body of a person is a disease which are caused or occurs due to a changes, or mutations in a individual, and in their DNA sequence. Genetic disorders in their body is can be divided or separated into three different types of a categories such as a chromosomal, single gene, or the complex disorders. A genetic disorder in a human body is a disease which are caused or occurs in whole body or in part by a change or a difference in the body DNA sequence and it is away from different and normal sequence. There are Four different and the main types of the genetic disorder are Mitochondrial genetic inheritance disorders, Multifactorial genetic inheritance disorders, Single-gene inheritance diseases, Chromosome abnormalities.
Single genuine disorders in a human body, where a mutation can be directly affects to the one gene. Sickle cell anemia is an a one example of this. Chromosomal disorders, where Chromosomal disorders they are the one who are changed or missing. Chromosomes in a body are the different type of a structures which can hold our genes. There are some Most Common and normal type of a Genetic Disorders such as Tay Sachs disease, Thalassemia, Down Syndrome, Sickle Cell Anemia, Cystic Fibrosis. Many genetic disorders in a body can be result from the changes of the gene which are present in essentially or exactly in the every cell of the person’s body. As a result, the genetic disorder is often affect of infect to many different body systems, and most of them are cannot be treated or cured. Genetics disorder or a Disease Treatment and prevention Get regular exercise Or go to the gyms, Check regularly for the body disease, Avoid smoking tobacco and too much alcohol, Follow a healthy and balanced diet, Get specific genetic testing from the doctors which can help you with the treatments and diagnosis.
Cystic fibrosis is the most normal and a common, fatal genetic disease in the world but mostly in a United States. About more than a twenty thousand people in the united States have the genetic disease or disorders. There are two major or main types of the changes of genetic in a body of a person Single-gene defects, Chromosome abnormalities. The list of the features some of the disorders of the genetic in a human beings. This are the list of some really genetic abnormalities which are horrifying and the reasons behind the disease are Anencephaly, Neurofibromatosis, Proteus Syndrome, Ectrodactyly, Polymelia, Diprosopus, Feet facing backwards.
This are the six most common and a major Hereditary Diseases Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Hemophilia, Tay Sachs, Huntington’s Disease and the Sickle Cell Disease this Sickle cell disease is a disease which are hereditary disease and it can caused or occurs by the mutations in to most from the one of the genes which can be encode the hemoglobin protein. This are the ten most major or common type of a genetic disorders such as a Apart syndrome, Genetic disorders, Ankylosing spondylitis, Albinism this is a is a group of the genetic conditions, Down syndrome, Charcot Marie Tooth disease, Cystic fibrosis, Angelman syndrome this is a rare syndrome which can cause a intellectual disability and a physical, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. This article of the disease will focus or attach on the most different and the common and deadly types a disease and a infection such as a viral, bacterial, prion and fungal. This are some best and a natural antibiotics to treat or to kill the bacteria such as Echinacea, Oregano, Clove, Goldenseal, Garlic, Ginger, Honey.
cream, Metronidazole tablets or gel, or the gel, or the clindamycin cream may be also prescribed for the infection from a bacteria. Suppositories or Antifungal creams may be prescribed to the person for a yeast infection. You can treat your infection through many types of treatments.