• October 16, 2024



This disease is also called as enlarged thyroid. This is the abnormal enlargement of the Adam’s Apple below butter shaped gland which is called as thyroid this results due to  lot of iodine deficiency and other inflammation of thyroid gland. This disease is treatable by medical professionals and requires many medical diagnosis.  Various tab lab tests or areas imaging are often required.  This may also resolves within months, if is found in medium level. 

All types of gutters does not have same symptoms some symptoms are like swelling and coughing rarely some symptoms may include the tighten of throat or trouble in breathing. The treatment depends of the severity of a small goitre which does not cause any symptoms and may need not any kind of treatment. In some cases the patient need to be surgery and medications. Goitre is caused due to lack of  iodine in the diet but is mostly worldwide where the used of iodised salt is common  that is in United States who were the under production of thyroid hormones or the nodules in the gland itself. 

To get rid of goitre surgery is required that is removing all the part of the thyroid gland that is the total or partial thyroidectomy which is an option if you have large water which makes you uncomfortable and cause difficulties during breathing, swallowing or any other cases. If the nodular goitre causing hyperthyroidism the best way to treat is the  surgery and it may also cause thyroid cancer. The food which causes water are the Soya foods that is edamame, tofu, tempeh. There are also various certain vegetables which cause thyroid that is cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower spinach, Kale. The fruits which cause goitre are sweet  potatoes, peaches, strawberries, cassava which contains large amount of starch. Some types of nuts and seeds are also very dangerous which causes thyroid that is , pine nuts, peanuts, groundnuts. Some of the goitre are of an harmless and may go away after very short period of time without any kind of treatment. People mostly do not prefer treatment and less the water is large and causes various other problems or any other symptoms. Goitre can only be examined by physical exam.

 If you want to know whether you have got or not the symptoms may be swelling in front of the neck or just below the Adam’s Apple. The other symptoms are feeling of tightness in the area of throat. You may get some scratchy voice that is hoarseness you have neck vein swelling that is neck pain and various other reason as in the arms are raised above the head. This is very dangerous and cannot be cured easily. This is termed as the hernia of the larynx. Which was treated by surgery in 6th century. Goitre was first discovered in 2700 BC e and it has been probably the extensive prevalence and times when the  exact etiology and other possible preventive measures where  not known. Goitre was discovered by paracelsus which was the first person to introduce the relationship between water and minerals particularly the lead mineral in drinking water. Greater is mostly common in America and Africa it is mostly found in African people 28 million people suffer from goitre and more than 30 million people at the risk of iodine deficiency. Thyroidectomy was invented by Joseph Desault.

 Hyperthyroidism is the name which was described by Hashimoto and it was common leaders designed by his name. There are two types of goitre first is diffuse water and second is nodular goitre. The diffuse kurta is the entire thyroid gland swells and then feels smooth to touch. In nodular goitre there is a solid or fluid filled lumps which are called as nodules which develop within the thyroid and make the thyroid gland feeling P2 touch this nodules can be singular or multiple which contains lot of fluid. 

Goitre is also called as Derbyshire, because it is associated neurological deficits of cretinism and the deaf mutism due to which the deficiency of iron is common in Derbyshire. If the patient is suffering from multinodular goitre then it is invisible but the patient can be scanned or diagnosis for various other reasons such as the symptoms like hyperthyroid, hypothyroid that is overactive underactive and many other thyrotoxicosis.

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