InDigestion is a big problem for all country also India so many people have a constipation belly Belly pain and in digestion stomach pain.
You know it when you feel it that full uncomfortable sensation your turmeric and its like after you eating something after a meal your Belly are paining after a meal.
Benefit something or after heavy meal like dinner or lunch you will seento paining or burning in upper stomach it is called as dyspepsia is also called as indigestion.
In digestion sign of a gastric Reflux disease Gerd ulcer or Gal bladder disease.
Main symptoms of in digestion
- you feel like bloating in your stomach.
- When you have a in digestion you feel like a fullness during or after a meal after lunch after a dinner.
- Always stomach pain belly pain upper side or lower side
- Burning in your stomach upper part or lower part also.
- Your mouth taste will be change you feel like acid taste in your mouth.
- Vomiting.
When people have a in digestion they feel burning in the chest like heartburn pain.
Men and women all ages is is this is in digestion is common and now in seen in adult and children’s also
Its common condition and its common.
But rarely people have certain thing changed like many causes by indigestion
- Gerd
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- Stomach infection in your.
- Thyroid disease.
- Gastroparesis.
In in digestion you are eating too much and eating high fat foods and eating fast when you have in dress also add to the problems of stomach pain and in digestion.
Alcohol is harmful for your body as you know drinking too much alcohol is also in digestion causes
Smoking and stress and fatigue.
Sometimes peoples are where long-lasting in digestion and their related to the all these things but not is this is not type of in digestion this type is called functional or non ulcer in digestion. When womens are pregnant they face to the in digestion many times and and changed their hormones also which is relax the muscles of the digestive off track and from of pressure the growing baby puts on the stomach.
Mostly you don’t need any treatment for in digestion the in digestion is goes always on its on after a few hours but you have a serious in digestion problem you have to consult your doctor immediately.
When you have in digestion all treatments depend of what causes and symptoms of in digestion.
- Drink water after a meal
- Avoid late night eating its main cause of in digestion and you feel bloating in your stomach.
- Try to relax after a male don’t walk don’t run don’t do any exercise after a meal.
- Avoid spicy food and fried food it’s some main cause you can say because this type of food is indiegested and long-term.
- Quit smoking
- Avoid alcohol
- Talk while you’re eating or checking of food or too much fast this is make your small to In A and add to in digestion
If you don’t feel better after all of this changes then your doctor prescript the medicine for you and antibiotics and tablets for you.
Prevent from indigestion
Best way to avoid in digestion food like fried food, spicy food ,street food
The want to improve your digestion system to eat a homemade food.
- When you are are taking a meal you should have to take a small meal for your stomach because stomach doesn’t have to work so hard as long.
- Don’t eat fast eat slowly.
- Avoid food with lot of oils fried fruits spicy food Chilli food such as a citrus fruits and tomato also and lots of acid acidic food.
- Take your limit for spicy food.
- Eat in your limit fried food, greasy food
- Don’t drink this type of juice or drinks having a caffeine this food you have to avoid because caffeine is harmful for your body and its causes indigestion also.
- Cut back on alcohol.
- If you eat a meal then don’t exercise too much do exercise before a male 1 – 2 hour ago.
- Do not lie on after you take a meal.
- Wait at least 3 are afterwards light dinner of the day before you go to bed after night don’t eat food because your you feel after that bloating.
- Avoid wearing tight fitting clothes . If you’re wearing a fitclub then its pressure on your stomach and its feel to tight and food can’t move in your stomach and they can’t move into the oesophagus.
- Smoking can irritate your stomach.