• February 11, 2025

Kidney cancer:symptoms, causes, risk factor, treatment, prevention. 

Kidney cancer:symptoms, causes, risk factor, treatment, prevention. 

The kidney look like a are To Bean Shaped organ it’s about the size of the fit. The kidney located in your abdomen on the side of your spine area. The kidney filter out the waste and toxic from your body. The kidney filter out waste from your blood and make a urine. There are many different types of cancer that can affect your kidney. To the study of National Cancer Institute estimated that there are more than 63000 cases of the Kidney cancer in the United State. There are many several types of cancer can affect your kidney. Adenocarcinoma of the Kidneys also known as a renal cell carcinoma. This is the many cases and most common type of Kidney cancer mostly seen in adults start in the part of the kidney that filters blood. The renal pelvic carcinoma start in the path of kidney where is collected. The most common type of Kidney cancer is wilms tumor. This type of Kidney cancer is mostly seen in under the age of 5. Kidney cancer main cause is unknown. 

Symptoms of Kidney cancer

In the early stages of Kidney cancer doesn’t usually cause any symptoms. Tumor grow slowly the symptoms may begin to appear. That the reason of Kidney cancer is obtained not diagnose until it has begin to spread to all over. 

  • Blood in your urine while urinating that time flow blood from urine. 
  • Radiation also play a big role in a risk of Kidney cancer womens who have been treated with the radiation for cancer of the reproduction organ may have a slightly increased risk. 
  • Tuberculosis is a disease that cause of seizures and a mental retardation as well as the formation of tumor in a different different organs in your body. 
  • Always having strong abdominal pain. 
  • Swelling in your abdominal area. 
  • Lump in the abdomen. 
  • Fatigue. 
  • Always having back pain in the side of spine. 
  • Recurring fevers. 
  • Unwanted weight loss. 
  • Anemia. 
  • High blood pressure is also called as a hypertension and this is also linked to an increased of risk factor of Kidney cancer. 

Risk factor of Kidney cancer. 

There are Many risk factor of Kidney cancer. There are also several condition that can increase your kidney cancers. 

  • Who always smoking and alcohol consumption have a more risk Kidney cancer. 
  • Obesity is also play a big role. 
  • Family history background. 
  • Being Male. 
  • Older age also have a in risk. 
  • Who have kidney diseases. 

Treatment for Kidney cancer. 

The treatment for Kidney cancer is dangerous because that time doctor remove the tumor from your body. This is all processes well you done through the surgery. Surgery can be a radical or conservative. Treatment depends on the type of cancer and which stage have and grade of tumor, patient age and overall health of patient and all symptoms. Surgical technique is the most common treatment for Kidney cancer. 

Radical nephrectomy 

The Redical nephrectomy is a surgical procedure that remove your kidney the entire organ is removed and song of surrounding tissues and lymph nodes. In the body there are adernal glad maybe remove as well. The surgery can be done through the large or with the laparoscope this is consist of the look like a thin tube with a tiny camera at one end. 

Conservative Nephroctomy

In the conservative Nephroctomy in this the process there only remove tumor,lymph nodes, and there are some surrounding tissues. In the part of the kidney is left behind this is also known as a nephron sparing. All the tumor cells in our body can also be killed by freezing which is also called as cryosurgery. Or radio frequency. 

Surgery is the most common treatment for Kidney cancer and most of the People Choice the surgery treatment for Kidney cancer. Who have Kidney cancer some of the people participate in a clinical trial clinic trials it is a research program conducted with the patients to evaluate the new medical treatment for patients and drugs or devices. Chemotherapy drugs and the new way to use for the many patients are biological therapy for kidney cancer. There are many chances to recovery but it is depend on which type of of Kidney cancer and which stage of Kidney cancer you have and it is just the kidney or has spread to other place in your body. The chances of recovery is also depend on the patients all our health. 

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