• February 11, 2025

kidney stone

The disease kidney stone is also called as a urolithiasis or nephrolithiasis. Kidney stone often due to a solid piece of material which develops in the urinary tract. Kidney stone disease form typically in the kidney and leave the person’s body in the urine stream. Uric acid, cystine, Struvite, And calcium oxalate these are the four types of kidney stone disease.

 The solid piece which are made by the chemicals in the urine that forms in a kidney is called as a kidney stone. Kidney stone disease happens when a person’s urine contains more crystal and solid forming substances and stuck in a kidney. Pain or burning during urination, blood in the urine, nausea and vomiting, going a small amount of urine at a time, pain in the belly, back, or side waist, fever, smelly or cloudy urine are the symptoms of kidney stone disease.  If you are a patient of kidney stone and you are not taking any treatments for it then you can be lead to sepsis. Sepsis is a disease which are happen by the kidney infection.

Sometimes it can be a serious and Couse blood poisoning. To get rid of the kidney stone disease you must have to take a good treatment or a good medical facilities. Chocolate, tea, spinach, beets, rhubarb, and many other stone forming foods must be avoid to protect your kidney from these disease, these foods are rich in oxalate, which forms a kidney stones. If you are suffering from the kidney stone disease you must have to take a good medical treatment. It can may be pass with in one or two weeks if the stone is smaller than 4 mm and it may take more than two or three weeks to pass if the stone is larger than 4 mm these commonly happens in a old age people’s. If you are suffering from these kidney stone disease then you must have to eat these foods and drinks such as eat less salted food or drinks, limit your protein how much you eat, eat diet which are low in a fat, eat oranges or lemons and drink fresh juice, drink plenty water which are purified, avoid foods which are larger in stone forming.

 Stress also affect your kidney this can trigger in kidney stone and forms it. A daily glass of lemonade and orange juice can protect your kidney from kidney stone disease. You can take medication such as ibuprofen to relieve kidney stone pain fast. These types of medications can endure your uncomforted until your kidney stone disease pass. You can detect or check your kidney stone by imaging two taste ¹ultrasound and ² CT scan. These kidney stones are usually found in a ureter or a kidney In the tube which connects kidney to a bladder. These kidney stone can be painful and lead to a kidney infection and your kidney can be damage if you leave it untreated. It can be lead to serious complication and extremely painful. Such as kidney damage and kidney stones.

 If you pass the kidney stone then there might be a pain and residual soreness but these can be a temporary pain. These could be a sign that you have another kidney stone. Increase your intake foods with a juices and a citrus foods. Foods such as oranges and lemons are the good foods which are scientifically proved that this foods can avoid kidney stones or if you are suffering from kidney stone then you can get rid of it in a less time. Expect this an apple can also keep you long from the kidney stone disease and not only a apple foods which are less in salt can also avoid kidney stone. If you are suffering from kidney stone then you can remove it by surgery or without surgery by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. 

You can permanently get rid of kidney stone by drinking lemon juices, Apple vinegar, pomegranate juice, celery and basil juice and staying hydrated or drinking plenty water. The organs such as pancreases which helps to make hormones or helps in digestion of foods which is in the middle of you belly area, these pancreas can get stones. You can be get rid of these kidney stone disease naturally eating healthy and less salted foods, drinks, keeping yourself hydrated and by going for exercises, walking, jogging etc can protect you form these disease you must have to to drink at least 3 quarts water a day to protect kidney or to avoid kidney stone. Increase fibber in your daily diet such as beans, whole wheat, cabbage, carrots, oat bran etc which helps you to avoid kidney stone disease. The kidney stone may appear at any age so you must have to take cure of your diet and your health.

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