• March 7, 2025

muscular disease

All you know about muscular disease

A group of diseases which causes progressive loss of muscle mass and weakness. There are many types of muscular dystrophy. A production of a proteins needed to form strong and healthy muscles are interfered by the abnormal gene in the muscular dystrophy. These disease is a common primary disease of the human muscular system by including inflammatory myopathies such as myasthenia gravis, muscular dystrophy, dermatomycosis’s and polymyositis, rhabdomyolysis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. By the alterations in the gene of a human is responsible for healthy muscles function and healthy muscle Structure. The most common form of muscular disease in a human being is myotonic muscular dystrophy. It affects both genders male and female equally. Rigidity, numbness, tingling, spasms, muscle pain, muscular weakness, loss of muscular control, twitching and many certain types of limb pain. 

You can keep your muscular system healthy by these methods such as ¹take quality supplements, ²live an active lifestyle, ³hormonal balance, ⁴keep your bones strong by eating calcium, proteins food, ⁵ cutting back an alcohol, ⁶anti inflammatory foods, ⁷resistance training, ⁸and take a high protein diet, ⁹ go for daily physical activities like yoga, gyms, exercises, walk, running and others.

A organ system consisting of cardiac and smooth muscles, skeleton is a muscular system. Cardiac or heart muscles, skeleton muscles and smooth muscles are the three distinct types of muscles in a human. There is no cure for these disease muscular dystrophy. By the good medication and by the best therapy the symptoms of muscular dystrophy can be manage or slow the course of the disease. Progressive muscle weakness is the main sign of muscular dystrophy.  Symptoms and signs like trouble in jumping and running while playing or doing any work, large calf muscles, learning disabilities, wadding gait, walking on the toes, frequent falls, difficulty rising in sitting or lying positions. Becker muscular dystrophy symptoms are similar to those and begins in the teens. Complications such as ¹troubling in walking some peoples with these disease muscular dystrophy they might be need to use a sticks or wheelchair.²sortness of tendons around joints and muscles. ³curved spine: some muscles which are weakened can might be unable to hold the bodies spinal straight. ⁴ breathing problems: patient of muscle dystrophy can be have problems in breathing initially at night but if it is possible the patient can also have breathing problems in a day. ⁵heart problems: these disease muscular dystrophy can  reduce or decrease the efficiency of the human heart muscles. ⁶swallowing problems: these is common during a muscular dystrophy disease when the patient eat something they might be have problems or troubles in chewing and swallowing the food.  

These disease muscular dystrophy occurs in both sexes male or female and at any ages. These is occurs usually in a young aged boys. Overuse or injury such as strains and sprains, tendinitis and cramps, some cancers, infections, disease of the various nerve which can directly affect to the muscles, a genetic disorder and others include the cause of muscle disorder. You can test your muscle dystrophy by this types of teste and Diagnosis such as needle biopsy, MRI, creatine kinase, electromyography and nerve conduction studies. You can have a treatment in these disease such as botulinum toxin injections these is a treatment for muscle pains or spasms. In these disease you may have to face problems such as trouble in climbing stairs, be clumsy, toe walk, have leg pains while working, walking, running and have week arms, face muscles, leg muscles or having large calves. Muscular dystrophy or disease is a genetic condition. These types of genetic condition are passed to the children’s by there parents. You can take best medication treatment to reduce the symptoms of muscular dystrophy because there is no permanent cure for muscular dystrophy.(Becker, facioscapulohumeral, myotonic dystrophy, Duchene muscular dystrophy, muscular dystrophy) these are the types of muscular dystrophy. ( Physical therapy, corrective surgery, pharmacotherapy, braces, assisted ventilation) are the treatments for muscular dystrophy disease. You can prevent these muscular disease or you can make your genetic condition healthy by eating healthy and green vegetables and avoiding junk foods and unhealthy drinks and alcohol, you can also go for any physical activities such as going for gym’s, walking, running , and others. Keep your body healthy and germs free. If you are suffering from these disease muscular dystrophy you have to take care of it because there is no  permanent cure of these disease muscular dystrophy some muscle groups are Directly affected by the disease muscular dystrophy. Prednisone and deflazacort are the low intensity corticosteroids therapy which are useful to help to maintain muscles tone. On the individual form of muscular dystrophy disease the prognosis are depended. Loss of muscles and progressive weakness are caused by the dystrophies. Protect yourself and leave a healthy life by adopting a  healthy diet and physical activities.

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