• October 17, 2024


A Measurement obtained by dividing the square of the persons height and calculating the weight. Obese Considered when The body of the people by body mass index. Obesity means weight of the person which is highly generated body mass index.

 the word obese  is very simple word which means the state of being well above and the one’s simple and normal weight.Obes Is a disease or a complex disease involving the extra, excessive body fat. Obesity is a medical problem that includes you excessive fat or this disease can also affect or increases your risk of other disease like heart disease, high blood pressure, certain cancer, diabetes or many other medical problem.

 This disease can affect you by eating too much and eating too much unhealthy food .if you it too much food and consume high amount of calories, high amount of energy like sugar, fat etc. but do not burn of this much excessive fat or a energy then you will affected by this disease you weight increased more than the normal one.

 If you are eating too much then go for running , exercise, or do any physical actives because of these your excessive body fat can burn and you can live a healthy life.

There are five Causes of obesity 

*People gain weight when they eat more energy, fat, calories then they burn.

*A ability to maintain a weight  influences by the world around us 

*Medication and the health conditions.

*Genetic diseases

*Poor sleep, emotional factors, stress etc. 

If you are eating junk foods, street foods or any unhealthy food you can’t digest it properly by which many diseases can affect to your body, obesity is one of them in your day to day life you are eating But you are not burning it or you are not doing any physical activities then you can affected by these or many other various disease. Obesity can Couse a disease like heart disease, high Blood pressure problem, unhealthy digestion system and many others. Eating junk foods like cakes,pestries,fast food meals ,sugary drinks, beer, alcohol, sweets, processed  Etc.

You can cure this disease by going to exercise, gym’s, running, walking and many by other physical activities. You can burn your excessive fat or calories by eating healthy foods like salads, green leaf vegetables, green tea etc. If you avoid your excessive body fat then you will face many health problem in future. 

You can prevent obesity in your adult age by;

  • Consuming more good fat and less bad fat 
  • Eat more green vegetables and fruits 
  • Eat healthy fibers which can improve your digestion
  • Engage yourself in more physical activities
  • Improve your stamina by going to gym’s, exercise etc.
  • Eat low glycaemic index foods.
  • Consume less sugary foods
  • Avoid junk foods.        

The most obese country in a world is Nauru. There are many types of obesity like ,food obesity, gluten diet, thickness due to nervous stomach, inactivity obesity, venous circulation obesity. Only solution of these disease is eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grain and nuts regular exercise at least for 30 minute . Count you body fat calories to maintain your body healthy.dont use more animal based fat ,use vegetables based oil. Foods like Potato chips, sugar, ice creams, processed meat, other potato’s, unprocessed red meat.

Weight gain means a increase in your body weight that can involve increase of muscle mass in a human body. Improve your digestion system and make it healthy do regular physical activities like exercise etc to avoid obesity and get fit and fine body. If you ignore your excessive body fat, calories then it will be harmful for you body you may get many another diseases like high blood pressure, sugar, and others. Eat healthy foods daily like green vegetables, fruits, juice etc, and avoid junk foods like processed meant, red unprocessed meat etc. Sometimes obese or unhealthy people’s get heart attack this happens because the blood circulation in a nerve system stop for some seconds and Stop process the blood circulation stops by the excessive fat in a body it means the obesity can take your life if you avoid it. Potato’s, potato chips, fried unprocessed meat is delicious in taste but it is heavy in calories, fat if you it this foods in heavy form and you can’t digest or burn it or you are not doing any physical activities then you may have to face many problems and many disease. People’s who are going to gym’s, doing regular exercises, yoga’s, and many other body activities live for a long with fit and healthy body if you are one of them continue it for your own. Some people take tablets or medical treatment to decrease or to burn there body fat it may be helpful to decrease excessive body fat but you can face many other problems in future.

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