• October 17, 2024

Osteo arthritis..

Osteo arthritis..

Osteoarthritis degenerative joint disease which is type of arthritis that occurs when a flexible tissue at the end of the bones  wears down. The wearing down of the protective tissue which is present at the end of the bones that is the cartilage occurs gradually and worsen over time. This disease requires medical diagnosis and treatment which can help to improve the condition of the patient the small sold needs various lab test and imaging is often required. 

This is a chronic disease which can last for years or can be or lifelong. The joint pains are basically seen in the hands, lower back, neck, hips, knees the most common joints. The treatment for this disease a self care and other various therapies like medications, sometimes surgery can also help reduce pain and maintain joint pain, medication, physiotherapy. 

The self care is taken by doing physical exercise ice packs and menthol and also weight loss. There are a total 4 stages of osteoarthritis. In the first stage it is minor that is minor wear and tear in the joints is seen and there is no pain in the affected area. The second stage the pain is little mild and it is more noticeable the bone is also spurs. The third stage is moderate  that is the cartilages affected and the areas begins to Erode and it gets very painful for the patient. The fourth stage is very severe in this the patient is in lot of pain and it is unbearable. 

The main cause of osteoarthritis is the breakdown of the cartilage which is the primary osteoarthritis. Cartilage is a primary material that it allows the friction in your joint. It can happened to any joint it can also affect your thumbs, fingers, spine, big toe, hips. This osteoarthritis is mostly seen in the old age people. This disease is so called as the mechanical condition which is being categorised by the gradual  tearing down of cartilage in the joints. The common risk factor of osteoarthritis is aging and in  arthritis it is not caused by tearing of any cartilage in the joints. This was to earth days cannot be cured. The condition gets worse if not be treated. 

The treatment of osteoarthritis include by maintaining health and weight and also exercising regularly and taking proper diet avoid eating starchy food. You should always wear slippers on the floor and if you walk by nude foots then there are most chances of getting arthritis.  Suffering from osteoarthritis then lifting heavy weight is strictly prohibited as it makes for the damage for bone loss and can also happen  to your back and also your hips. The pain of osteoarthritis is very unbearable because it is so severe pain that one cannot bear. If you do not treat osteoarthritis in time then the pain may be worsen day by day. The other option to get rid of osteoarthritis is changing or replacing the joint by surgery.

This can also lead to pain due to medications and whole the lifestyle is changed. If you want reversible by chondroprotective agents, then you have to subchondral  bone is intact. The cartilage remains intact over the joints of surfaces. The lifestyle and also changes and also reduce the pressure on the joint which is been affected. The analgesic uses also kept to a minimum or ideal and it may also sometimes cannot be used.the main reason of first you are three days is doing same exercise again and again or were doing and activity also, trauma to the joint . The other reasons for osteoarthritis are stress, repetitive motion, change in barometric pressure, cold weather and bones spurs or any kind of infection or weight gain.

 The other type of arthritis is psoriatic arthritis at is the inflammation in the joints and also affects the skin. The food to be avoided by the person suffering from osteoarthritis is Omega 6 fatty acids, refined carbs, sugar, salt, saturated fat and trans fats, alcohol, dairy products. Osteoarthritis pains gets worsen over time.  It also refers our results in chronic pain and it is a degenerative disease. In osteoarthritis the joints becomes stiffer and are very heavy still left and the small so gets harder to move the joint over period of time.

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