• October 17, 2024


A organ which is located in the abdomen is a .the pancreas converts the food into the fuel for our body cells. Endocrine function: this regulates blood sugar, exocrine function: which helps in digestion , this are the two main functions of pancreas. A pancreatic juices called  enzymes are make by the pancreas for digestion. A pancreas also helps by making hormones . 

Pancreatic juice are  chemical messenger which travel or passed trough your blood . Pancreas is a organ which convert the food you have eaten to the simpler substance and energy and passes it to the blood cells. The pancreas is important for the digestion food. A glandular organ which is located in the abdomen of the human body is pancreas. 

Pancreas pain felt in a upper abdomen of the body that spread to your back and for chronic pancreatitis there is no cure but the pain or symptoms can be prevented. This often just because of the drinking alcohols, sugar drinks or by the unhealthy foods. you can live without pancreas it is possible. Pancreas are situated behind your stomach horizontally. Insulin and glucagon are hormones secreted by pancreas.

 The pancreas can also cure or heal itself and normal your body pancreatic function of digestion. You can improve your pancreas by focusing on foods which are rich in protein, contain antioxidant and low in animal fats. You can clean pancreas by drinking clean and pure aquade water, eat nutrients food ,vegetables, fruits etc, eat high fibers . Pancreas has three main section ¹head, ²tail, and ³ body.  Red meat, mayonnaise, full fat dairy, sugar drinks, pastries, organ meat, French fries, oily food, cakes, are unhealthy foods for pancreas. 

A very common symptoms of pancreas is gas. The pancreas pain hurts in your upper abdomen and it may be spread to your back. Due to much fat patient may seem bulky smelly bowel. The abdominal pain Must be sever and become constant. Gallstones is a most  common Couse of pancreatitis. You can calm down the Inflamed pancreas by Stop alcohol consumption, eat healthy diet. Pancreatitis can be long last up to four to ten days. Pancreatitis makes your body weak and extreme tiredness. You can stop pancreatitis pain through stronger painkiller, sever pain killers, stronger painkiller. Stage C is a end stage of pancreatitis. When we eat something it goes through our neck to the stomach and after it the pancreas starts his work, pancreas takes all the nutrients, proteins etc and make it in to a fuel which is necessary for our cells or blood cells. 

Pancreas is a organ which located near upper side of our stomach and transfer fuels to the body. Pancreas  is necessary for the human body just because of pancreas we consume nutrients, vitamins and other necessary proteins. Casually we can take care of it by maintaining our health  stronger by avoiding unhealthy thing and others. Pancreatitis is a normal but sometimes it can be sever and you will not able to consume nutrients etc. Pancreatitis pain is not more hard but sometimes it will be harmful for you. Pancreatitis pain Couse upper side of your stomach and may be go back side. Pancreatitis cancer, Chronic pancreatitis ,and cystic fibrosis can also change or replace your stool colour yellow. Pancreas is surrounded by the human body organs such as liver, small intestine, kidney etc. when pancreas passes fuel to the blood cells we get energy for any physical activities. You can make your pancreas healthy and fit by doing this things such as go for the gym’s , exercise or do any physical activities and eat healthy foods by avoiding unhealthy foods   such as green vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. Are healthy for your pancreas you can avoid sugar drinks , alcohol, junk foods ,red meat, unprocessed meat, animal fat etc because this foods courses pancreatitis. If you are suffering from pancreatitis then you must have to take cure of it or it will be cure itself automatically with in  five or ten days. If your pancreatitis is paining severely then you must have to contact your doctor’s or you have to take immediate precautions. If you avoid your pancreatitis it can be change into a sever Pain .

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