Viral illness spread by the saliva off an infected animal by the rabies virus is known as the rabies. exposure of this rabies occurs usually through biting a human too infected animal. Transmission can also occur Through saliva touching muscles membranes or an open wound.
rabies is caused by the saliva of infected animal. If any animal bites you then you may be the infected person of rabies. Saliva from an infected animal can also transmit rabies if saliva comes into contact with the eyes, mouth and nose. Rabies are found mostly in a Asia, Central America ,Africa and South America .a bite from animal which is affected by the rabies can infect to you .
Symptoms of Rabies are as follows:
Confusion, insomnia, anxiety, hallucination, mood agitation, fear of water, an increase in saliva and difficulty in swallowing.
In few days you can appear a symptom of Rabies or it can take more than a month or a year. First signs of Rabies are itching feeling around the bite area, tingling, prickling. Some persons also have symptoms like flu, fever, headache, muscle aches, nausea, loss of appetite and tiredness.
There is no effective treatment for the Rabies disease. In United state of America there are more deaths just because of the rabies but the world wide in India it is very common disease just because of the stray dogs.as there is no cure of this disease you can live usually only for 5 days without any treatment, if you are taking treatments then you may be live for a long.
The only way to determine the rabies examination then taste the brain tissue of a dead animal. You can kill the rabies viruses easily by household bleach. In animals this disease are diagnosed by the direct fluorescent antibody test. It is not important that the all dogs have rabies, no not all dogs are affected by rabies unless you you know that the dog has rabies vaccine Ted in the last five years.
Fever, headache, agitation, confusion, hyperactive, vomiting, nausea etc. are the first signs of this Rabies disease. By eliminating exposure to rabid animal you can prevent from rabies. After biting a animal to a human it directly affect on the nerve system of the human body. Rabies are transmitted through the contact of saliva of an infected human or animal.
Antigua, Belgium, Australia,bardabaus,Fiji,french,Jamaica,Scotland,Japan,Malta,new Zealand, Saint Lucia, Singapore,Sweden,American Samoa ,Aruba, st. Are the countries which are recognised as rabies free. You can know that your dog has rabies by Watch for difficulties in swallowing, excessive drooling, staggering, fever, and even paralyses. if your dog may act as though they are meaning lights, movement, over stimulated, and sound may Appears to have a negative effect. it is highly unlikely to contract rabies from a scratch all the viruses needs a point to entry in the human body or the animal body to damage the nerve system , like broken skin, scratches of nails, bite of an anima.
It may take seven days to develop the required immunity after the vaccine is injected. Anti rabies serum should be given within 72 hours of the bite this serum, is available at any medical store or at any hospitals, give proper cure and medical treatment to the person For the first seven days, it is free in civil hospitals or government hospitals.
Using the direct fluorescent antibody test you can diagnose the rabies. In animal body once the rabies infection is established then there is no effective treatment for this disease Very small number of people have survived the disease rabies, because this disease usually cause a death. if you take hold after the infected animal bites you then it is very serious problem to you. The rabies directly affected the central nervous system including the brain, spinal cord and the muscles of humans are of then you may animals.
you may have to take care about your diet in this situation. If the Has no cure for rabies and it is almost always fatal, then the infected animal usually dies within 5 days. If you are affected by this disease then you may Have to take treatment otherwise you maybe die within seven days. the animals have no symptoms to identify that they are affected by the rabies, the animal has no signs of illness during this time of this disease.
The rabies can also affect to the pups Below three months of age. If you are affected by the rabies and having treatment of it then you may have to take essential to continue vaccination. You may have to take care about your diet when your Treatment is going on. you have to eat healthy foods like fruits, green vegetables, and other nutritious food. You have to avoid unhealthy foods like junk foods, street food, or roadside food.