Shivering-Rhythmic shaking causes by the disorder of the nervous system.
Rhythmic shaking causes by the disorder of the nervous system. Which may include symptoms such as intention tremor. Medical conditions which can cause tremors include conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injury and Parkinson’s disease. Rapid alternation between relaxation and muscle contraction. Your body tries to warm itself up when you are cold this is the way of muscle contraction of your body. You body shiver any many situation such as chills, anxiety and others. A human body can be shiver in many situations such as in chills, chills occurs when you are in a cold environment and feeling too cold. Chills is a common disease which causes flu, strep throat, urinary tract infections, malaria, bacterial gastroenteritis, pneumonia, sinusitis, meningitis, and viral gastroenteritis. In the chills body stats shivering to fight against the symptoms.
A human body can also shiver by the medical side effects, hypothyroidism, malnutrition, emotional reaction, reaction to the extreme physical activities, hypoglycaemia and in emotional reactions. Hypothyroidism can include symptoms such as depression, feeling cold and fatigue, by which body starts shivering. You can stop shivering by this methods such as wear a hat In a cold environment, drink a hot beverage to maintain your body temperature, in a cold environment wear warm gloves and sock, and stop thinking about it. There is no cure for the shivering or essential tremor.
You can reduce your tremor by changing your lifestyle or by changing treatment plan. You can stop shivering and chills by getting to a warm place or layering clothes, it can make chills go away from your body. In chills if your body starts shivering you can also drink tea or hot chocolate coffee to raise internal body temperature. If your body suddenly starts shivering or you feel like weak or lightheaded then it means you could be experiencing hypoglycaemia. If your body get weaker or tremor in your legs or arms and slowly trembling of your body are the signs that your blood sugar is too low in your body.
You can get rid of body shivering, aches and chills by this tips such as rest if you are sick or if you are feeling weak, drink plenty of fluids and water to stay hydrated, taking acetaminophen for your pain relief, wear daily comfortable clothes, applying warm water cloth on your forehead and many others. Vegetables, fruits, fish, legumes, cereals, low level of dairy, low level of meat, low to moderate alcohol and sugar drink consumption, fruits and low level of poultry can help to cure yourself from the tremor.
Propranolol is the best medicine to cure from the tremor. It is scientifically proven that exercise is a best for the human body it improve balance, gait, flexibility, tremor, grip, motor condition and strength, regular exercise can prevent you from the shivering or from tremor. Vitamins are very necessary for the human being or human body, low level of vitamin D in your body could aggravate tremor. If minerals and vitamins are low in your body then increasing intake of the vitamin D can help to cure from the tremor. Sometimes people get shiver because it caused by There muscles relaxing and tightening in rapid succession in the body. This involuntary muscle is natural in your body, trying to response colder by trying to warm up. It is natural to shiver in a cold environment to response against it. When you feel like fatigue or tiredness then it is a sign that you are suffering from the weakness or tremor.
Involuntary trembling, shivering or shaking can be also occurs due to a medical conditions which is called as essential tremor. A neurological conditions which means that it is related to the brain is a essential tremor. A human body can also shiver in many condition one of them is malaria. A disease malaria is caused by the infected mosquitos which transmit plasmodium parasite from their bite. Shivering is also a symptom of the malaria. Tremor begins gradually more prominently on one side of the person’s body. Tremor usually occurs in the feet , hands or in arms. Shiver can also occurs due to emotions such as stress, caffeine, temperature extremes or fatigue. Tremor can occurs at anytime and at any place. Mainly body parts such as hand, feet, arms and legs are mostly affected by the shivering. Tremor is a most common in people age older than 35.It is very important to understand that tremor, muscle spasm and muscle twitches are not the some condition or thing. A muscle spasm in a human or in a person is the involuntary contraction of a body muscle. A movement of a small portion of a larger muscle which are uncontrolled is occurs in a muscle twitch. Resting and action are the two types of tremors.