• February 11, 2025

Urinary Tract Infection

You have to know about Urinary tract infection, symptoms, treatment. 

Urinary tract infection is infected by microbes. This microbes are too small we cant see without microscope. In the many cases urinary tract infection causes by bacteria and some of the cases is fungi also and very rare cases is virus. The urinary tract infection is usually common in humans.

 What is urinary tract the urinary tract is made by kidney, ureters, bladder, and urethera. In the many cases urinary tract infection involved in urethra and bladder. Is this is in your lower tract. Urinary tract infection mostly infected with lower tract and mostly rare in upper tract.

 If a women is pregnant and women have any symptoms of urinary tract infection then have consult your doctor immediately. The urinary tract infection during your pregnancy cause a premature delivery and high blood pressure. During pregnancy this urinary tract infection risk is spread to your kidneys. So any symptoms of urinary tract infection consult your doctor immediately . 

Symptoms of Urinary tract infection

The symptoms of urinary tract infection depend on which part is infected Or which area is infected.if you have lower tract urinary tract infection it means you this part is infected urethra and bladder . 

This is a lower tract of urinary tract infection

  • So much burning while during urination  . 
  • You are passing so much urine but also you increases frequency of urination. 
  • Bloody urine . 
  • Urine like a black and its look like tea. 
  • Also havin in female pelvic pain. 
  • In mens rectal pain. 

In the urinary tract infection goes to the upper tract that means its Dengrous for you and threatening if bacteria is go through blood in your kidney the all process called as urosepsis this is very dangerous for you. This is causes by low blood pressure and shock and death. 

This is upper tract of urinary tract infection. 

  • Lots of pain in your back side and sides. 
  • Triedness. 
  • Feeling vomiting. 
  • Fever. 

A urinary tract infection is infected by both male and female. The all infection similar in both male and female. 

Urinary tract infection in female. 

Women always pain in pelvic this is lower tract urinary infection. The upper tract urinary tract infection is similar in mens and womens. 

Urinary tract infection in mens. 

The symptoms of lower tract is similar to those female. The upper tract urinary tract infection is mens have pain in rectal. The addition to usually common symptoms in both male and female. 

Treatment of Urinary tract infection . 

Treatment is depend on which lower Or upper tract infection you have . You doctor will be able to check up and determine which organism causing the infection. The usually common causes by bacteria. Urinary tract infection causes by bacteria. Antibiotic can treat the bacterial infection. In rare cases like fungi and viruses infection causes. That time we can not use antibiotic on viruses. Viruses Urinary tract infection are treated with medication called as antiviral. Fungal urinary tract infection are treated with medication and called antifugals. 

Home remedies for Urinary tract infection

At home this infection cant recover. There are no cure at home remedies for urinary tract infection. There are some thing you can do it Or for some times relief. After infection you have drink lots of water that can help your body through out toxics and clear infection faster.  

Risk Factor of urinary tract infection. 

There so many factor that can put you at ans increases your risk factor. 

  • Adults and older age are more lijely to get urinary tract infection. 
  • Kidney stone is also the risk Factor of urinary tract infection. 
  • If you have previous urinary tract infection. 
  • Especially diabetes patient they have such a big Risk factor. 
  • If children have Ab normal development urinary structure frim birth. 
  • If you have weak immune system. 

How to prevent from urinary tract infection. 

This all steps help to prevention from urinary tract infection. 

  1. Drink lots of water at least you have to drink six to eight glass of water per day. 
  2. Do not hold you urine. If you hold urine its pressure on bladder. 
  3. If you have any problem with urination consult your doctor.

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