• March 7, 2025

What is miscarriage, what is during miscarriage,causes, risk factor, symptoms, treatment. 

What is miscarriage, what is during miscarriage,causes, risk factor, symptoms, treatment. 

 spontaneous abortion is also called as miscarriage. This is the spontaneous ending of a pregnancy. About 1/3 to ½ of all pregnancies end in miscarriage before a woman misses a menstrual period or even knows she is pregnant. About there are 10 to 20% of women who know they are pregnant will miscarry. Most of the cases and most of the miscarriages because of the fetus not developing normally about 50% of miscarriage are there are extra or missing chromosome in it. Most of the problems from the chromosome results because the error that occur by chance as the embryo divided and grows not all problems inherited from the parents. When you are pregnant that time during your pregnancy your body supply hormones and nutrient to to your developing fetus. This amount help to your fetus grow. There are also genetic or a chromosome issues. 

Symptoms of miscarriage

Most of the miscarriage before the 12th week of pregnancy there are many cases. The sign and symptoms of miscarriage is. The symptoms of miscarriage is depending on which stage you have of pregnancy. In most of the cases and some of the cases it happened so quickly that you may not even know what happened with you you are pregnant before you misscarry. That time heavy spotting from your vagina. 

  • In your vagina there are bleeding or spotting. 
  • Strong pain or cramping in your abdominal or lower back side. 
  • Strong fluid or tissue passing from your vagina. 
  • Feeling always weak. 
  • Weight loss. 
  • Belly pain 
  • Tissue look like a blood clots and this is passing from your vagina. 
  • Fewer sign of pregnancy. 
  • Severe cramps. 

If from your vagina Pasa the fatal tissue from your vaginal play it is a clean container and bring it to your health care providers office or hospitals or clinic for analysis. Remember this in your mind that the most of the cases and most of the women who experience the vaginal spotting or bleeding in the first trimester go on to have a successful pregnancy.

Risk factor of miscarriage

There are many factors increase the risk of miscarriage. 

Weight : being underweight or being overweight per song it means womens has been linked with an increase of risk factor of miscarriage. 

Smoking and alcohol and drugs: women who smoke during their pregnancy have a greater risk of miscarriage heavy alcohol consumption and drugs addict women’s are also have a lots of increases in the risk of miscarriage. 

Chronic condition: women who have a diseases and llorona conditions such as the uncontrolled diabetes and have higher risk of miscarriage. 

Previous miscarriage: the men who have already previous miscarriage means consecutive miscarriage are at a higher risk of miscarriage. 

Age : which mens are older than age 35 have a higher risk of miscarriage then do younger womens. If you are age is 35 then you have 20% of risk factor of miscarriage. At 8:40 the risk is about to 40% and at 45 to 50 it about 80% of risk factor of miscarriage. 

Prevention from miscarriage. 

There are nothing you can do to prevent a miscarriage. But you can focus on taking a good care of yourself and eating healthy. 

  • Avoid all this risk factor of miscarriage the such as
  • smoking, drinking alcohol consumption and using drug. 
  • Always remember limit your caffeine intake. Recent study found that drinking more than two cup of a cafe and this is also the risk factor of miscarriage. 

Treatment of miscarriage

The all treatment that you receive from the miscarriage can depend on the type of miscarriage that you had if you there no pregnancy tissue left in your body no treatment is required for miscarriage. There are many different treatment options if there are still some tissue present in your body. Abhi have to wait for the remaining tissue to pass out natural from your body. Medical management of there are involved taking a medications and medicines to help you pass the rest of the remaining tissue to out from your body. Surgical Management also involve in this they are having any remaining tissue surgically removed from your body. There are risk of complications from any of the statement option is very small so you can consult your doctor and which is better for you you and doctor will recommend which is better for you. 

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